TOP-5 most stylish representatives of the crypto business. Satoshi Nakamoto, Pavel Durov, Lado, Sam Bankman-Fried, Justin Sun

The world of crypto business is infinitely diverse. Cryptomaniacs working on the creation of a blockchain and the first cryptocurrencies often preferred to keep their anonymity. They had an image of eccentric programmers involved in strange and useless projects. “What? These guys plan to print their money? Ha ha ha!” Fashion magazines were the least expected place their photos could appear in.

However, time passed, and it turned out that cryptocurrency based on the blockchain is an asset that has unique properties. It is valuable in itself and can be a technological basis for many projects. An important word “business” was added to “crypto”. The crypto-business has become a new reality. Money poured into it, global corporations got interested in them and new people came: top specialists in IT, marketing, management. They brought STYLE with them.

And the style is associated not only with clothes, appearance and manners. It incorporates a special charisma of a person who is ready to take risks and discover new, unknown. Perhaps, like the pioneers of the Age of Discoveries.
We are going to look at the leading crypto businessmen and choose the top 5 most stylish. We will judge not only by appearance, but also by the general perception of the image.
Let’s start!


Meet Justin Sun! He is number five on our list. The maverick founder of Tron has an aura of adventure. If you think that working with him is like a dream of a quiet life? You are wrong. He is full of energy and ideas. He appears in public in an expensive suit and gives interviews in a T-shirt. However, in both cases he looks great.Justin is a pro who knows how to grab attention and dominate. He immediately puts himself in a position of a winner, despite the fact that sometimes he has to retreat, Justin is easy with money, he can spend tens of millions of dollars on charity, is ready to spend millions on an NFT he likes and pay several million dollars for dinner with Warren Buffett.All this forms a unique style – attractive and inconsistent. It is a mixture of everything – success, scandal, the toughness of the leader, expressiveness … Thus, from many fine strokes, we get an exclusive portrait of Justin Sun.


Fourth place is occupied by Sam Bankman-Fried, the former head and main shareholder of the crypto exchange FTX, although in the real world his living conditions are far from comfortable. Now Sam is serving a twenty-five-year sentence as the New York Federal Court found him guilty on seven charges. The choice of Bankman-Fried as one of the style icons may raise certain questions. Slight carelessness in clothes, a hairstyle that seems no one has much cared about. His entire appearance emphasized, well, literally screamed that its owner is a natural born nerd, naive, trusting, borderline genius. This is the way he appeared before the court. And, to be honest, it worked – such a talented person fell victim to circumstances.

However, during the same trial, there were witnesses who claimed that this image was deliberately cultivated with the help of professional stylists. And this is a real artwork to create an image that is practically indistinguishable from the original, so we can and should talk about style. This style has nothing to do with glamour, on the contrary, it denies it! And who said that style must inevitably depict something attractive to the public or simply shock it? Agree that this is a real creative catch – to portray yourself as a nerd who does not know life. So the place in the TOP-5 is well-earned.


The third place with an impressive gap from his closest pursuers was taken by Lado, the founder and CEO of Holiverse. He is one of the few leaders in the crypto business who can be recognised as a style icon just by looking at a photo. And this style was not created by a team of professional stylists, it is completely natural. Often, when evaluating someone’s image, we note the secondary nature. “He looks cool, he looks like …” and then we refer to the role model. There are successful copies, but they remain copies. Lado’s image is original and belongs only to Lado! Appearance is important, but it is not the only thing that determines the true style. Lado’s amazing versatility and original worldview helped him get the TOP. He creates a large-scale DeFi crypto project, opens a metaverse, launches new productions, does DNA research and organizes creative media projects. Lado is a convinced libertarian, a brilliant publicist, and a supporter of free crypto business.

He is open, willingly shares comments, but still remains, perhaps, one of the most mysterious contenders in our TOP, as a person who has managed to rise to the heights of crypto business in a year. His image, energy, creativity and mind-set have created a completely unique style – the style of Lado.


Is having a secondary image always bad? On the whole, there is nothing particularly negative about it, the only thing is that we consciously or unconsciously note this secondary nature. However, there are cases when a copy is not inferior to the original and even surpasses it. We believe that the visual image of Pavel Durov is secondary. Just remember the main characters of the films “The Matrix” or “Equilibrium” to understand where the calm, assurance, concentration, perfect formal suit, and self-confidence come from. Of course, you can’t just copy such an image, you need to match it. Pavel not only matched it, he brought it to perfection. It seems that he thinks through every gesture, every word.

A special aura of power, leadership and luck adds to Pavel’s image a special flavor. This is a self-made man who ascended to Olympus… The only thing is that the situation with the French justice system showed that even Olympus can be unstable. But even these problems happen to be beneficial for his image. Pavel’s visual image is somewhat secondary, but if you take all the components of the style, it will turn out to be completely original. Now the style of Pavel Durov can become a new role model.


Who is that main trend-setter who managed to surpass the one and only Durov, the mysterious Lado, the shrewd Bankman-Fried and the unpredictable Justin Sun? Only one person in the world can do this.
Only he, the great Satoshi Nakamoto! “How come?” you ask. “He’s anonymous, no one knows his name or what he looks like! How can we talk about his style?” So, why not? The style of the Invisible Man lies in his invisibility. We talked about the mystery of Lado, but the secret hidden behind the name of Satoshi Nakamoto is the scale of the Universe.

The style of Satoshi Nakamoto lies in his mystery, incomprehensibility and grandeur. The absence of a visual image opens up space for imagination. An old man in a kimono under a blossoming sakura? A programmer at a computer? Or maybe it’s a beauty with mathematical abilities, as the one from Hollywood movies? Choose the visual image and style that are most agreeable to you! The infinity of imaginary options in itself ensures Satoshi’s eternal supremacy in the category of “the most stylish representative of the crypto business”.

Choosing the TOP of the “most stylish” is an absolutely subjective process. It is very possible that there are many excellent and stylish personalities in the crypto business. The TOP is not a constant value, it can and will change, and we will see new winners … except for the first place. It seems that it is forever Satoshi Nakamoto’s.