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RE: Human kindness | A homeless person touched my heart

in #homeless6 years ago

Ah sweet @snowpea I am so sorry that I missed a few comments, yours too.. Otherwise I would have replied already. It's sad because indeed the mentally ill are also excluded from help often because of their state of mind. People assume they are on drugs I guess, in many cases. And in Holland it's also a problem when you have no address they say you can't get welfare, you can get a homeless payment every month (which is very little) but then you have to fill in a document to let them know where you slept every single night. You're not allowed to sleep at people's home, or in a car etc. but you have to keep track under which bridge you sleep (for example) as if you don't have other things to worry about. It's so messed up that system. We've experienced this first hand by the way.. it's not doable these rules ...
I'm glad things are looking so much better for you guys by the way!!! <3

Too bad you can't help anyone right? Oh man I feel so stupid, I just made a post about random acts of kindness, and now I read your comment and suddenly realize about that man that gave Jared that cheque, I should have included that story as it's so heartwarming.. It teared me up!