
$2K for rental! God damn! Where do you live?

Ridiculous, right? Just outside Seattle Washington USA

It's insane! :( Almost as if the system wants to push people out into the streets!

Never been there! Been to a few other places. Hoping to renew my US visa later this year for a trip.

When you arrive we must have dinner :)

There's an interesting you tube video, I'm in transit right now so I can't link to it, but look up College Humor - homeless. There's an interesting thought about Air BnB and homelessness in that video.

When you arrive we must have dinner :)

Goes without saying! :)

College humor is awesome! Will check. Safe transit back home! :)

Thank you! (Only three more hours to go, lol)

oh wow! For moment there I thought you were waiting for the metro :D

Lol, I was early, but now I'm on the move ;)

Just watched it! Crazy that US for all it's development is still lagging behind in providing the basic necessities of life; food, clothing and shelter to so many it's people! :(

We have the same problem here in Vancouver BC. The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment is $1950, and for a 2-bedroom apartment, it's a whopping $3150. The median income in this city is about $67,000 per year, which means that affordable rent for a median income earner is about $1675/month (or 1/3 of gross monthly income). You can see how it's not difficult to end up homeless here...

And we have the same issue with tens of thousands of vacant investment properties.