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RE: 10 (More) Things I Learned From Being Homeless

in #homeless7 years ago

It's funny how easily it is to judge people until you find yourself in a similar situation. I used to think that street dwellers were all high, crazy or lazy. Then when I spent time living among them I realized that that description could just as easily fit a group of company employees except they know where they are sleeping tonight.

You can grow a lot from this kind of experience. You see a lot that's wrong with society and how anyone is really capable of anything. I found that treating someone like a human being can be much more helpful than donating your time or your money.


The homeless are the hardest working individuals. Not only are they doing the normal things every other person does every day, but they are doing it without comfort. And basic surviving is a very stressful job on top of it all.

I think that's the major problem with society today- too many don't treat everyone with basic kindness and consideration.

We all have pasts and skeletons and anything can happen to anyone at anytime.