Homemade Pasta "Cicatelli" [ITA/ENG]

in #homemade7 years ago (edited)

[ITA]Oggi vi propongo i cicatelli pugliesi. Comincio col dire che il mio impasto non é venuto come avrei voluto abbiamo utilizzato una farina diversa mai usata prima quindi non si riusciva a stendere bene e la pasta e' rimasta troppo doppia, in ogni caso il risultato non era malvagio quindi ho deciso di postare lo stesso. VI consiglio quindi di stendere la pasta piú sottile cosi' da risultare migliore.

[ENG]Today I propose the cicatelli a typical Pugliese pasta. I start by saying that with the dough there were a bit of problems, unfortunately the type of flour (which we had never used) was not the most suitable, in fact the dough while spreading it didnt get thinner that mush, anyway the result wansn't that bad, I recommend you' to make it thin so that the cicatelli are lighter and more pleasing to the palate.

From wikipedia

The cicatelli are a type of short handmade pasta made from a mixture of flour and water and have an elongated shape obtained by crushing the dough on a work surface. Remotely reminiscent of the shape of a boat, they are similar to cavatelli but a little 'longer, without central opening, and with a recess inside.
It is generally served with sauces of a certain thickness, sauces with meat or strongly flavored vegetables (rocket, turnip top, radicchio, etc.)
Variety: burnt wheat cicatelli

[ITA]Questa é soltanto la procedura di come fare la pasta non una vera e propria ricetta , ma alla fine do alcuni consigli su come condirla. Iniziamo ecco di cosa avrete bisogno:

[ENG]This is only the procedure of how to make pasta but it is not a real recipe but at the end I give some advice on how to dress it or better as we usually do it. Let's begin!
First of all, here's what you need:
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  • 500 gr Flour (farina)
  • Water Q.b.
  • Salt 10 gr

[ITA] Prima di tutto sciogliete il sale nell'acqua poi versatela man mano nella farina e cominciate ad impastare. L'acqua non deve essere né troppa né poca vi regolate man mano. Alla fine dovreste avere un impasto omogeneo e compatto come questo

[ENG]First melt the salt into the water and then slowly pour it into the flour, while you begin to knead, the water does not have to be too much nor too less just adjust according to how much it absorbs; in the end you have to obtain a homogeneous and compact dough as this


[ITA] Ora stendete la pasta e fatela di circa 1 cm di spessore

[ENG]Now roll out the dough make about 1 cm thick (as said before mine is too thick cause it always tended to retreat when I rolled it out)


[ITA] Una volta stesa, taglietela a stricioline che non siano né larghe né strette

[ENG]Once spread, cut it into strips that are not too narrow nor too wide


[ITA] Prendete le strisce e tagliatele a pezzi

[ENG]So take each strip and cut it into small pieces


[ITA]Ora viene la parte centrale; prendete un pezzetto tagliato precedentemente e con 3 dita spingetelo e tiratelo verso di voi in modo da creare un incavo e far girare la pasta.

[ENG]Now comes the central part; create the "cicatelli", take one piece and place 3 fingers on it,push the dough on the surface in order make a hollow and make it go upsidedown.

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[ITA] Questo dovrebbe esser il risultato.

[ENG]This should be the result.

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[ITA] Ed ecco i vostri cicatelli! Come sapete la pasta fresca va cotta per pochi minuti, quindi controllatene la cottura assaggiando prima di servire. Ora per condirla potete usare del semplice pomodoro, delle verdure formaggi o come nel mio caso cicatelli e fagioli. Insomma é una pasta molto versatole. Fatemi sapere se provate a farla, e buon appetito!

[ENG]Here are your cicatelli !! As you well know the fresh pasta should be cooked a few minutes taste it always to check the cooking before serving! Now to season it you can do it with tomato sauce, with vegetables, the 4 cheeses we have flavored with beans, i mean season it as you want cicatelli are extremely versatile. Let me know if you try to make them and enjoy your meal!