Vaccine Campaign [UK]

October 2019:
There's a massive media push to increase vaccine uptake among British children.
Compulsory vaccination of children and adults is a hot topic.
In particular, the middle classed population of London and the South East of England have shown considerable drops in confidence in vaccination and vaccine safety. Also there’s considerable loss of confidence in doctors & health agencies who tell them childhood diseases like Measles are very dangerous. It's no wonder. There has been controversy over vaccines for decades. Multiple leaks. Whistles have been blown within the vaccine industry and medical agencies worldwide. Academics & health professionals presenting evidence that vaccines are dangerous have been struck off or have lost their funding, worldwide. [Andrew Wakefield, Professor Chris Exley, etc].
There's a sea change in our culture.
No longer do all people have faith in governments or trust their doctors to know the truth or to know what's best for their child. Now, many do their research first and it is harder to keep them ignorant when they have the internet.
Some are finding enough evidence to make them hesitant to commission vaccines for their child.
Their active role is positive in my opinion, given the justifications.
Parents are doing their job.
It is also inevitable in the light of controversies about:
- Medication related deaths, injuries and medical product withdrawals.
- Poor handling of blood products & resultant deaths [Enquiry in the UK].
- Vaccine programs & vaccine injury compensation.
- Illegal actions of drug companies & corruption.
- The actions of Governments themselves.
An interesting look at "Herd Immunity".
"Originally postulated in the 1930’s, the theory referred to the observation that herd immunity developed when 68% of children caught and recovered from the measles. It had nothing to do with vaccines. The theory has morphed into the “fact” that, despite no studies or proof, vaccination rates above a certain percentage will confer herd immunity. Basic understanding of biology and our immune system will prove this to be a myth.
The most glaring example of this nonsense is unfolding at this moment with the crew of the naval warship, USS Fort McHenry, where 27 cases of mumps have occurred despite all 700 crew members being vaccinated. The argument has been made that this outbreak occurred, not because of lack of herd immunity but rather the vaccine being ineffective. With our Supreme Court ruling vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and vaccine promoters arguing FOR herd immunity by claiming ineffective vaccines, were does that leave the completely bogus mantra “vaccines are safe and effective?”
Indeed, there are serious concerns that vaccinated mothers don’t confer adequate ‘passive immunity’ to their newborn infants. Without an intervention of some sort, the crisis the authorities predict may come and it will be as a result of their interventions.
If there are enough homeopaths to treat these infants (with homeoprophylaxis before they contract diseases or with homeopathy when they have contracted them) we may just get through the coming crisis, just as Hahnemann and others got through flu, scarlet fever & cholera epidemics with incredibly low losses.
The British media are campaigning hard to improve vaccine uptake and their favourite 'villain' is [as usual] your local homeopath ...
Myself included.
I had an email last week from the Daily Mail [shown in full further down the article] notifying me that one of my patients was in fact one of their reporters posing as an "Ella Clarke" with a toddler called "Archie". Here's how the reporter introduced herself to me:

Email from "Ella Clarke" [Daily Mail reporter under cover].
She arranged an appointment with me via video call [which she secretly recorded] to plan for "Archie" and I later sent her the program as well as the following links so that she could make her decision about whether she wanted to follow the program or not.
- Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control.
- Ann Sorrell's book on treating childhood diseases
Email from Eleanor Hayward at The Daily Mail:

Email from Eleanor Hayward of the Daily Mail to Sally Lloyd October 2019
My Replies:

To be sure she can't write "Sally Lloyd declined to comment."

And to correct a glaring misunderstanding she has made.
Next target: 'The Royal Chemist, Ainsworth"
That's Ainsworth, UK homeopathic pharmacy. I'm not sure if the Daily Mail's intention was to put pressure on the British royal family to withdraw their support for the pharmacy or their use of homeopathy. It just seems to me to be a large advert for Ainsworth and for homeopathy. Those royals live well into their 100s and don't retire at 65! Most people are busy wondering how they do it and thinking they must have the best of medical care. Well, they are right.
I'd like to know which homeopath now has the job of Physician to the Queen since the sad death of Dr Peter Fisher last year. I need a new homeopath myself.
I make no apology for being extremely concerned about vaccine safety.
As a homeopath, I see too many children who's parents report to me that their problems started immediately or soon after vaccines. I have no way to prove this but it certainly creates enough concern. They are not encouraged to report the vaccine side effects they think they have seen and in many cases when they attempted to do so this was dismissed by their medical team, out of hand, and not reported.
I wouldn't vaccinate myself or my children [If they choose to vaccinate themselves once they are adults I'll support their right to decide].
I'm clearly [and very openly] respectful of the decisions of patients when they come to me for help mitigating the possible side-effects of vaccines they are planning. I'm very comforting with parents who then need help when their child's resolved eczema returns. Parents are doing the absolute best for their child with the information they have.
The right to decide has to stay with the individual or the parents of a child. The right to honest discussion, information and decision making is paramount. Your government work for you!
The British media seem to be unsure that you can do your own research and they are attempting to ensure that you are limited to certain information by attempting to silence people who speak about the problems with vaccination or viable alternatives they are not interested in [despite having felt the need to publish plenty of articles on vaccine dangers in the past, ie, The Daily Mail].
A comprehensive set of arguments that are worth hearing and researching.
Meanwhile, I'd like to suggest you hear what the very brave Dr Suzanne Humphries has to say about her concerns about vaccines. She has a comprehensive set of arguments that are worth hearing and researching whilst you are still allowed to do so.
These British media campaigns are despite the following:
- Governments have had to set up compensation funds for those injured by vaccines [with tax payers' money, since they granted vaccine manufacturers immunity from legal action],
- serious questions have been raised about vaccine safety [Just one study of many, but rather worrying].
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