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RE: Diving deeper into homeschooling

I was homeschooled from ABC to graduation. when I was 3 or 4, my parents got an interactive phonics program for computer. We had a Texas Instruments Keyboard that recieved clumsy plastic cartridges about the size of 8-track tapes. I also remember alphabet and phonics tapes where every letter was a different song. Ithink Sandi Patti made one with songs about bible verses. By the time I was 5 I could read from the King James Bible. I believe that the only way I could lose the scriptures in my mind would be to lose the English language- that is how deeply ingrained in the hardwiring of my brain it is. My mother played Keith Green's music all the time when she was pregnant with me, and after I was born I would get excited when I heard his version of the 23rd Psalm. So she believes that I recognized the song from when I was in the womb! that would mean I heard scripture being sung and read since I was a zygote. Music has a way of making words unforgettable to me.

I wasted most of my 20's in rebellion, drugs, etc. and I credit the scripture etched in my soul with saving my life and bringing me back to the fold of the Good Shepherd. I have a 2 year old now who I read to every day. He has one book that introduces attributes of God for every letter of the alphabet.


Praise the Most High you found your way back!

I will have to see if there are any such Bible verse songs in our language, I don't know any. Plenty of song on stories and such, but not any of actual verses.

What is your language?