Knotilus Daily Pond

in #homestead3 years ago

Hello there!

Seems like my Knotilus Daily Pond posts are becoming Knotilus Every Other Day Pond the busier I get!


The internet went out with the wind storm yesterday, so I wasn’t able to do much about it!
I watched some Little Britain on DVD and worked on macrame, so it made for a nice evening, while the wind roared outside.

I have some downed trees to deal with today, but they landed in a way that didn’t hurt anything so it shouldn’t be difficult to just chop them up and move them.

Such is the life when homesteading, no complaints 🥰

The power managed to stay on, though it flickered quite a bit throughout the worst of the storm. We get high winds year round here, the winter wind storms can often be pretty bad, especially when you throw in tons ice and snow. The spring storms often cause a ton of damage too since they’ll wash out roads, leaving communities totally isolated, sometimes for days at a time.

I’m excited for iceberg season this year! Usually around April you’ll start to see them, and sometimes they’ll be flowing through all summer, though generally it’s mostly in the spring.

Another cool time is when the capelin roll. These fish are about 6 or 7 inches long and when they spawn, they all “roll” ashore to lay their eggs on the beach. They’re quite plentiful and you can catch them with your bare hands with ease. I’m not a big fan of eating them, but it will be a cool thing to show you guys, and something I’ve definitely missed being away so many years!

As a traditional local food, people generally season them and lay them out on flakes to dry in the sun. Then they store them for winter.

Along with capelin, moose, blueberries, grouse, partridge berries, mussels and many others are staples of the traditional Newfoundland diet.

Unfortunately there’s also a TON of processed crap included in that diet as well, such as bologna, salt meat, schruchins, tack bread, corned beef hash, and a whole bunch of other canned foods.
People stopped growing and canning their own food around the 70’s and began to rely heavily on grocery stores. Many of the resilience and independence of the people here was totally lost.
Which I find particularly saddening.

I’m happy to bring back those traditions to my own homestead though, and to use new technology and ideas to hopefully improve upon those old ideals.

I’m excited for this gardening season and I’m pretty well prepared, I have a pressure canner, a vacuum sealer, dehydrator, grow mats, grow lights thousands of seeds and plans to grow more than I ever have before!! 🌱
❤️ Yay!! ❤️

I started a new wall hanging using this absolutely beautiful coloured cotton cord and a hand collected weathered stick. I’m in love already! It’s just about finished now, just needs some more details and I’ll be done!



I mentioned yesterday on Instagram that I’m done with this winter nonsense. And I totally am.

Inserts slightly sour face.

Hey spring, get sprung already!

It was pretty chilly the other morning, so I whipped up some blueberry oat muffins. I used just a tablespoon or so of sugar for the whole batch, just so they weren’t bitter and they turned out great! Normally I use a little maple syrup but I’m out.

(Maple syrup: something else I plan to collect and make myself!)



In my mind, muffins shouldn’t be sugary anyway, they’re not friggin cupcakes. I make muffins that are gluten free and usually I add in as much healthy stuff as I can, whatever I have on hand, usually a base of almond flour, often with oats, then I add seeds and fruit, with either bananas or eggs as binder. They generally turn out great, but I’ve had 15 years of practice throwing ingredients in a bowl in this fashion, so I’ve got the basic measurements in my head already.

These were great, the berries added sweetness, and I used some cinnamon and vanilla extract for some great flavour.

Anyway, I hope your weekend rocks!

Some memes!






Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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This is the first time I've heard of using banana as a binder in baking. That's an interesting idea!

It works! 🙂
Just needs to be really ripe, and you mash it up really good, into a paste. It makes for a dense mixture for sure, but it’s delicious for pancakes, breads and muffins 🙂

I’m used to vegan and gluten free recipes, and many of those will use bananas in this way.

Thanks for reading! ❤️