Full Blog Speed Ahead. Things You've Just Gotta Know.

I had a wonderful conversation with one of 5DF's private Facebook followers* and it occurred to me that it might be time to give you all some bullet points of our progress and where we are in the development of our raw land. You see, the follower thought we were already on our land. We. Wish.

I mean I'm sure you hang on my every written word here on the blog :)... My intent is to provide you an accurate journal of what we are doing so this will be a quick list to bring you all up to speed:

We bought 60 raw acres of land.

  • We've spent 7 months trying to get:
  • A well drilled (check)
  • A surveyor out to survey our boundaries (check)
  • A driveway installed – as of last week... slightly checked.
  • The home builder to return phone calls or emails. Another uncheck.

See, without the driveway installed we have NO way to pull our 2 campers onto our beloved raw land. No. Way. There is a steep drop at the entire entrance of the land. The driveway will be approximately 1/3 to 1/2 mile long. Quite the undertaking and not something we relish doing by ourselves... but the thought had crossed our minds recently. Then we finally found someone who was interested in coming out! We were very lucky to find this amazing dozer guy. He's a maestro! So now the driveway is... started. Sadly, the weather is getting in the way. Too much rain makes for a soggy gravel drive. They laid 1/2" gravel in a single layer for now. I'll fill you in on the ongoing construction of the drive in a more in-depth post in the near future.

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Once the driveway is complete we can build our storage unit, have the homes started, get my mom's manufactured home onto the land and really, just begin to lay out our design for where we want barns, ponds, gardens and such.

But for now we sit at a campground in our camper-sicles, which have had completely frozen pipes more than once (in the SPRING!!), as we learn to dry camp, try to stay warm and continue to find ways to laugh at our predicament. Let's just say wine is involved.

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The beginning of February was when Mr. BJ and I planned to start installing our border fencing. But winter is refusing to leave so we are just getting to this task now. This we will do ourselves so I'm somewhat confident all involved (ummm, he and I) will show up... Especially if there is wine involved.

Let's get down to brass tacks... what's your favorite? White or Red? :p


*Would you like to be part of our Rustic Revival™ ? Come join the conversation, we'd love to have you... just scroll to the top of www.5dog.farm and join 5 Dog Farms private Facebook group!