Home-IN-Steading photo(s) of the Day

We went for a walk the other day on a portion of our land that we seldom get a chance to observe.

It's roughly 2.5 acres that slopes down towards a creek that passes through the Northwest corner of our property.

While exploring we came across an old barbed wire fence that had been swallowed up by growing trees.


The cool thing about this is that the barbed wire was as taut as the day it was installed, perhaps even more so. The posts that originally held the wire were made out of deteriorated cedar logs.


I followed this old fence for about 250 feet until it lay in piles of barbed wire detached from what once held it.


Now, were thinking of utilizing this existing fencing as part of a paddock shifting strategy to get our Ossabaw Island Pigs moving around on the land so they can do what they were created to do. Obviously, we'll need to run a couple of hot wires to deter them from just digging under the bottom strand, but figure we might as well work with what is already here.


What would you do with this barbed wire fence? I'd love to hear your collective creativity.

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Thanks for Reading!


As Always,

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I love what a piece of history this is. It's like when you see landscaping people put in and years later a tremendous tree is digging into the basement and sidewalk, etc. Or seeing family farms across from a school or a four lane road. People grow or build something without ability to know what life will be like 50 years in time. Or perhaps they built shortsightedly, or with the intention to switch things up later on.

Barbed wire fences scare me. Running along, or atv-ing along, etc, and suddenly you get beheaded by a nearly invisible wire fence.

Hell no.

I say put some colored streamers on it first so you can see it before it kills you at some point :)

Secret security system in your Woods! Great idea!

I'd start a re-enactment of World War I, complete with actors dressed in military uniform, have them dig trenches, and then throw some in some mustard gas, machine guns and the works.

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Then open up a little tourist shop nearby and let people watch the action. I mean, you already have the barbed wire. You just need a few more things. :)

Did they used barbed wire or concertina wire?

Barbed wire, all the way.

Use it for sure. That is 250' of fencing you don't have to install, Yeah.
What I can't get over is that the wire is not all rusted and weathered.

As long as you can design/workaround that fence you have saved yourself a hard days work at least.
As the oldtimers would say "You don't get galvanizing like that nowadays",
A few new battens, a short mornings work, and the fence will be like new again

I am with you. Use the fencing that is there to your advantage. It saves you time and money too. I am all for using what is available on the homestead.