Guilty Pleasures... Homestead Style!
Howdy Homesteaders/Off-Gridders/ Alternative Aventurers of Steemit!
I want to chat for a minute about Guilty Pleasures!
Guilty Pleasure
something pleasurable that induces a usually minor feeling of guilt
Many of us Homesteading and those choosing more Alternative lives have traded in what most people consider necessities for the chance of a different kind of life.
This trade-off trickles down into many of the details of our daily lives. Priorities shift.
I challenge my fellow Steemians to post about something that you consider to be a Guilty Pleasure... Especially if it is something that didn't used to bring about that "guilty" feeling.
Here's mine!!!

Vacuuming with my Beloved Shop-Vac!!!!!
We are homesteading off-grid. We are homesteading debt-free.
This means our life is powered by generator... Generators consume gasoline... Gasoline costs $$.
We usually start the generator as it gets dark in the evening. Everything that needs electricity to function happens then. Keeping the gas bill low has high value to us.
My guilty pleasure is to pull that starter cord with the sun shining bright, turn on some motivating music, and you already know....vacuum!!!
Now this is not a quick task even if I have everything tidied up and prepped to go.
~ The house is not finished, sub-flooring only with cracks that collect stuff.
~ Our road is dirt and that blows in through the windows as folks go by.
~ We heat with wood, which is wonderful, but equally messy... Wood bits and fine ash dust all about.
~ Last and most of the mess...two German Shepherds shedding the greater majority of the year.
I love every minute of this Job! It makes life feel good to know my home is well care for. And that "Guilty Pleasure* has its own kind of reward.
Its Your Turn!!
What is your Guilty Pleasure?
What makes life on the homestead or wherever you are calling home manageable by keeping you sane, yet causes that bit of guilt to creep up along with the pleasure?
I am going to kick start this by tagging a few of you I follow... Share your Guilty Pleasure...Please??
No rules... Just Freestlyin'
Tag me so I dont miss it!
~all text and images are my own unless otherwise credited

Just a girl...
Living, Loving and Dancing her way to Wholeness with the help of a Mountaintop and a Purpose.
Follow the Adventure
Here's mine!
Sweet!!! Going right now to check it out!
Thanks for joining the Fun!!
When I was younger, sometimes I felt guilty asking for a fresh set of cami's and boots when all I really needed was more ammo...
Namaste, JaiChai
Sometimes it is the simplest things.
Makes me happy to hear you knew to care for that part if yourself too...
Hugs! Thanks for popping in again!
What is the difference between a generator powered house and a house powered by a power plant? Because they both cost money. Does generators save you money? In that case, there is an advantage. I would hope to power generators via the sun, wind, water, or something.
I have gardens. I believe in independence. I am not off the grid but would love to someday. I'm near Seattle. Digging for gardens might be a guilty pleasure for me.
We are unable to get traditional power here. Off grid is a necessity for us. Wind with solar and batteries are the plan, it just needs to be earned and saved for first.
We are mindful of our use as dollar for dollar a generator is MUCH more costly.
The more you use it the more it costs... And there are costs in oil and maintenance and pollution ( air and noise). It needs to be depended on so we take good care of it.
I manage debt free with the goal of earning a dollar for today and one for tomorrow... By being frugal we have more to work with for the future. Saving today by smart choices to fund a better tomorrow!
I hope that helps...I tend to ramble!
I am a gardener as well... To me that is my meditation time.
Hugs... Enjoy those gardens... I hope you share pics!
Good work with having power there. The work is worth it. Thanks for talking about it.
This is a supremely hilarious guilty pleasure! Love that it really is something that is energy consumptive, and so many people would just see vaccuuming as a chore rather than a guilty pleasure.
I'm out and about in town now, but would love to join in on this madness tonight 🙌
I look forward to your post!!! Super tickled that you received the gift of laughter... Hugs!
...Be joy-filled and leave it to spill messily about your world!
Hi @borrowedearth this is a super fun challenge!! Ahhh, the joys 💛 i look forward to seeing people's responses & will contemplate my own. Love seeing your smile while you're feeling all naughty turning on the generator in daylight to vaccuum 😂🤣🙈 hahaha! Love it! And, i feel ya 😉✌
Thanks! When life is good... Share it!
I am hoping folks have great fun with this!
I am in the middle of a whole house scramble while the hubby is away this week... I am finally resolved to settle in as it is clear the house will not be finished anytime soon!
It felt soooo good to vacuum!! I have even been here long enough to officially have cobwebs... Well not anymore 😉
Hahah I love this one and can relate! @birdsinparadise will totally understand too! She taught me my love for vacuuming! Hilarious :) I’ll think of one of mine!! Xx love the creativity!
Yay! A fellow vacuum lover! ... And one in the tag too!
I am excited to see what you come up with!
Enjoy this day!
Oh my goodness, this is TOO funny! I thought I was the only odd one here! Yes, nothing like the fresh lines on your carpet, rug or maybe floor from a good vacuuming! @mountanjewel tries to get to it before me! Love this post! Have to say, that would be my guilty pleasure as well!
I love it! I will need to go solar to even consider carpet in this environment!!! Hahaha!
The "guilty" part of vacuuming guilty pleasure for me is that I often vacuum when I don't need to, in order to avoid doing some other chore I don't feel like doing. I adore vacuuming! Fun to find other vacuum lovers here :)))
lol, I am laughing so hard right now! My husband says it must be a sickness...but he too will vaccum, it carried over into mowing with him! Lines both directions on 2 1/2 acres!!! Love it!
resteemed @the-hearth, @mountainjewel's earth-centered curation page. hopefully some more peeps will try your creative challenge :)
Thanks!!! I appreciate the opportunity!
Never thought vacuuming could be a guilty pleasure! lol
I've always been an odd duck! suits me!
I am going to do a post on this. It's a realty fun idea. I'll have to take a picture tomorrow. Thank you for posting.
I loved this! I already know what it will be about too! Haha Thanks for the nomination!