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RE: Family Ties… the problem with Loyalty!

Goodmorning dear, Thats came straight from the hart I understand and agree, I hope you stond ground in your decision When things got tough.
I voted and did a blog and this is What it is, i would have love if the mamas Made it but There Will be other times.


It is and was a very difficult decision to make, but make it one must, or not vote at all.

Choosing one over another does not mean one is loved less or you are less loyal, there are always reasons behind a person’s decision that goes beyond face value.

I do stand behind my decision no matter what.

Thanks for chiming in.

Well the i agree but the pressure is on and i heard from a few they find it hard to choose cause it might give the wrong signs, but so be it.
And offcourse i am chimming in ( hope that that is stopping by hahha )
Never heard the expression