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RE: Chicken Run make-over Phase 2

in #homesteading7 years ago

We have almost 70 chickens and some guinea fowl. Fortunately we have an old small scale dairy/horse barn which we were able to rennovate (more to complete this season!) for our chicken coops! We also had a head start on protected run areas with our old dog kennels! They sure do take a lot of work even with that! We also free range our birds when we are able to pay attention to them!

Your run looks very ambitious to me! Nice job on it! Is there a specific reason why you have the divided coop/run? We have had to separate some birds for various reasons so I just wonder what yours might have been! :) What kind of chickens do you have/plan on getting? Thank you for sharing!


The divided run and coop allows me to separate the brooding hens and their chicks from the rest of the flock. I have Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons.