What Happened to Farmstead?

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

farmstead farmsteadsmith sunrise

What, where have I been?

I am not even sure I can answer that fully. Mostly, I've just been in my head. Depression is such a bitch. Lemme tell ya. I've been sitting here trying to write this post for about a week or more now. So forgive me if it's kind of all over the place!

Most of it boils down to dealing with and managing my depression. That's the basic gist of it, anyway. With my unique beast of depression, I can do one thing, mostly well. For me, that had to be focusing on and taking care of the animals here on the Farmstead!

If you've never dealt with depression, man, consider yourself amazingly lucky! But those of you who have dealt with it, you get it. It's rough. I feel you, and you can always chat to me!

The worst thing that happens to me is getting so super stoked about something that I put 100% into it, and suddenly, I lose any and all interest I had in it. EVEN THOUGH, I enjoy whatever it is that I was doing. The other sucky thing that happens for me is that I have only enough energy to do what I need to do and that was taking care of the dogs, chickens, ducks, geese, quail and rabbits -- Oh, and a cat!

So there it is, ha. Now that's out of the way!

farmstead farmsteadsmith sunset chickens langhsan

It's Finally February.

I don't know about you all, but January felt at least three months long. I was thankful when we hit February. This winter here has been, practically non-existent. Which is a huge change from last year when we were bogged down with about three feet of accumulative snow. We've gotten MAYBE two inches TOTAL of snow this year, which makes me worry for the summer fires. We've had more above freezing this winter than freezing days. Which in many ways I am thankful for, but I know the lack of snow and cold weather is going to have an effect on so many things.

Most Notable

The most notable and exciting things that have happened over the last 5 months is somehow acquiring a little cat and a tiny dog. I will have to tell you their unique stories on another post, but to tide you over until then, you've got to see these cute little critters.

farmstead farmsteadsmith cat kitty animal benji
This is Benji he's a fantastic little specimen of a kitty that came to me as a sickly little thing from a farm local to me. His story is great, I can't wait to share it with you. I promised husband he will be a mouser...

farmstead farmsteadsmith dog chihuahua tiny
And this my friends, is Squeakers, she is an tiny little 12-15 year old chihuahua. Her past has not been great, but her future with us is gonna be awesome.

Lots In the Works

2018 is going to be a busy year for Farmstead Smith, we've got lots planned and some goals have evolved or changed completely. Some things we're working on include, raised beds, bigger chicken coop, piggy infrastructure development (for next year), adding turkeys, beekeeping, a hoop house flight pen (for quail), more chickens, and figuring out how to keep chickens out of certain areas.

Just a Note

I've been making daily posts on my personal FB where I share my photos from the day and a blurb about my day. I've been told that they would be good posts for here as well. I have been doing it since January 1st and will have to catch up on postings to get current. They will be heavy on fun photos, as I have gotten back into taking pics. Usually I include how I am feeling for the day, things I've done, and I usually talk about my chickens. So look out for those coming soon!

farmstead farmsteadsmith sunset landscape

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!

Photos by me using my iPhone 8+, unless stated otherwise!

If you EVER want to get ahold of me for any reason, please join us on our Discord, Homesteaders Online. You can always find me there.

Homesteaders Online


I’ve been skating on the edge of seasonal depression too, so I hear ya loud and clear! Ugh! I hope you feel better soon (hugs) :)

SAD suuuucks. It's really rough to have such a period of time to be okay, and then suddenly you're zonked with this crapola! Haha. I am sorry you're dealing with it also. I hope that you get some relief from it soon. Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks! Half the battle of feeling better for me is recognizing it in the first place because of how it can creep up unawares...I hope you get relief soon too! February is my least favorite month for a reason—good thing it’s short!!

We're really glad that you gone through and started posting again , but what a great timing sneaking back ..... ahhh i mean coming back at steemit with no pressure haha price is low steemians relaxing not on their edge . Good time
Congrats on the iPhone 8+ amazing photos as always , can't wait for the bee photo's
Scrolling down the post i was surprised at first (farmestead had a police dog !!! Just When I realized it's only two chickens having their backs to us ) i laughed so hard .

Nope, no police dogs here! Hahah thanks @Topslim! Have a great day!

Your pets are going to be so happy to be out in nature. Practice smiling daily it really helps with lifting your mood.

The animals always make me smile, so there's no trouble on that front! :) haha

Good for you. Don't feel bad about regurgitating old content. Curators are like pigs. We're happy to slop around in the mud for a few morsels of a tasty treats thrown out weeks ago. I used to have depression, and it was really tough when I would lose control even when there was nothing bad happening. I felt like a cancer to my friends and co-workers.

Is it "old" content if it's not posted to the general public? eyebrow raise who knows? Haha.

Sorry to hear about your depression, but I am happy to see that you used the words "used to", good for you for getting out of that dreadful pit.

Thanks for stopping by!

I feel you. Been there. Spent 15 years trying to dig my way out until one day something clicked. I honestly don't know what. I feel like I am more self aware than I used to be, so maybe I've learned how to manage it, but at the same time, maybe I just got lucky. Like maybe becoming a mom jarred my hormones and fixed that part of my brain? Who really knows? Anyway, I still battle bad days here and there, but not like before. I write this to give you hope because, I had none for so long. I've read how you help others on the discord chat. I respect that. And I believe that the more good we do, the more good will come back, but we have to believe we are worthy of receiving. That was and is still a major challenge for me, but it's true and we have to keep reminding each other and ourselves. Blessings!

Thanks a lot. I don’t know if I will ever have that click moment but I sure hope I do! Thanks for coming by!

Welcome back Angel Sis!! I'm glad that you spent that time taking care of yourself, not pushing too hard, and of course taking such great care of your animal companions! xoxo It's really great to see you and lovely photo there of those grey/blue hens in the grasses!

It was a struggle at first not to be too hard on myself about not participating in Steemit even though I wanted to. I sure did miss the community though! And I’m so glad people are welcoming me back with understanding and open arms!!

Welcome back friend, so good to see you back. I checked often to see if you were on, but since being well aware of the “depression demon” we both suffer from I had my suspicions. October thru January are rough for me as well, I seem to lapse into rumination and anxiety to go with the depression.
I look forward to hearing all about your critters and I’m here if you need to chat.❤️🐓

I've been getting a TON of anxiety lately. It really is a rough one to deal with. Thank you for checking in on me, and for the offer. Of course, you know, if you ever need to chat me up too, I'm available! You can always find me on the discord! Or here, you know. :D haha. I hope you're feeling a bit better.

I'm so super glad to see this!!! Seriously. You have no idea. I've not wanted to bug you about posting....but wanted to just the same! Haha! Again, I'm so glad to see you post again. :) :)

Bwahah, I am glad you didn't. @greenacrehome has been up my butt about posting the whole time! So he had that handled for ya! Hahaha. <3 I am glad you stuck around for me! <3

I don't know if I was here when you were active, but I look forward to your fun posts with chicken pics! Never too many chicken pics :)

The worst thing that happens to me is getting so super stoked about something that I put 100% into it, and suddenly, I lose any and all interest I had in it.

That's me to a tee, I wrote a post how my 2018 goal is to "stick with steemit" ie: not flake out on this new passion, like usual. I've had depressive episodes most of my life so I can relate.
If YOU ever want to talk to someone, even if it's just about icecream or chickens, or about deeper things, I'm usually around :)

Dudeeeeee, It happens to me SO MUCH. I totally understand that too. Though, I can't put a goal on it, or else I get frustrated with myself and that really spirals me out. I am trying to just go with the flow. I do have a constant sort of like "oh I should do that" but not the sort of pressure a goal would have on me. :D Thank you so much for the offer, I do love me some icecream! Hahahh.

Welcome back! Great photos by the way, really, really great!

Thanks man, I really, really, appreciate it! <3 haha.