I love my Excaliber! Yours is probably a newer model of what I have. I just wish I had counter space for it. It has to stay in the garage and is hard to get to or I would use it even more!
I love my Excaliber! Yours is probably a newer model of what I have. I just wish I had counter space for it. It has to stay in the garage and is hard to get to or I would use it even more!
Oh, forgot to add, made a basic bread dough but use beef or chicken stock instead of water or milk and much less oil/grease/lard. Roll it out and cut whatever size "biscuits" you prefer, then dehydrate instead of letting them rise. Makes GREAT dog biscuits and I can tailor the size to work for my stair step dogs.
Yeah it is pretty large... when it's not on the counter being used, you gotta think of a place to store it lol But it's definitely worth it :)