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RE: Our First Blueberries, Strawberries, Currants, and Raspberries of 2019

in #homesteading5 years ago

The best strawberries are the ones picked during the heat of the day. Something about sun-warm strawberries just makes them extra tasty! It's interesting you can actually grow currents, there. Are you going to dehydrate them, as you start to get more? They're very good as raisins. People also make current wine, but it's usually gross. I did have a black current desert wine that was spectacular, once...

Here in Minnesota, we have wild Raspberry and Blackcap (black raspberry) plants in the woods. If you can beat the animals to them, they're very tasty.

Anyway, it looks like your garden is off to a good start. I hope the cats can keep wrascally, menacing critters away!


I really don't know anything about currants lol. Dehydrating them could be an option. I've heard of red currant wine but didn't know what that was until I read about the berries. I'm not a wine drinker though. I hope we end up liking them because it looks like the bushes will produce lots of berries.