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RE: Bounties Of The Land Episode 5: Wild Poke Berry! Nature's Perfect Paint! Guest Stars @qiqi-power & Noki! Video and More!

in #homesteading7 years ago

Looks like fun! Here in Rio de Janeiro State the indigenous have long used urucum (Bixa orellana) as body paint, but it's also used as food colouring, not as yucky tasting as poke weed it seems!


The Bounties of the land!

This is me painted with urucum a few weeks ago during an ayahuasca ceremony... I was only taking the photo so I could see what the paint job looked like!


I think my insomnia over-strained computer eyes are more intense than the rest, unfortunately! It was a beautiful day-time ceremony by the edge of the sea surrounded by forest with Dona Francisquinha, an indigenous pajé and midwife from Acre. I'll probably do a post on it at some time when my life is no longer filled with PhD anxiety!

Loved QiQis post btw, she's a right little character!

hahahahaha so glad you caught that post!
It is quite amazing. My favorite introduction post on Steemit yet!

I've never seen anyone so wiggly before :)