Taking Navel Orange Cuttings

in #homesteading4 years ago

So this morning after feeding the livestock we went out and took around 50 cuttings off a orange tree. The tree is about 5 years old and needs to be cut back in spots so we are going to slowly cut it back while taking cuttings to root as well go.


Should get a good yield from it this year since it has close to a hundred or so fruits on it right now. We are taking cuttings from the bottom right now to clean up around the base since this area doesn't get enough sun light to flower and all the green cuts we take can be used to root new trees. This is an aeroponics rooting machine that sprays the bottom of the cuts with water mist.


We took the green cuts and then cut at an angle and rubbed the bottom area of green off until it was white to help with rooting. We also dipping in rooting hormone to help. We did around 30 in the aeroponic rooter and we did around 30 in pots. The ones we did in pots we watered very well and then bagged them. The bagging is supposed to be key and even though I don't fully understand why because we already keep them in a green house it seems to increase the successful rooting substantially.


I am very excited to see how many root since we are going to move sapling persimmon trees all around our fence lines on the outside so the livestock can't get to them but they will still produce shade and also a little bit of feed stock when they drop fruit. Between the each of the persimmon trees we want to put an orange tree since the fence lines are mostly North to South and the orange trees will still get plenty of sun from East to West to flower. This will give us a very nice harvest of more fruit then we can ever use through out our property. Once all these root we will take more cuttings and start over again. I figure I can get an easy 500 cuttings this year off what needs to be cut back to form this tree a little better.


We also got lucky to pick up a nice little peach tree and have put in several raised beds along with getting ready to split off our banana tree pups and put in tomatoes and okra plants all threw the same area so stay tuned since I have been able to get pictures to upload I will be doing many new post on the fodder, worm and meal worm farms, Black solider flies, the greenhouse, raised beds and livestock in general. Thanks for the interest.