Welcome to Living Traditions Homestead

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read our first post on Steemit.  We wanted to take a little time to introduce ourselves to the Steemit community.  

We used to live in the Phoenix, AZ area where we both had high pressure corporate jobs that were very successful.  The problem was, we were miserable.  I (Kevin) worked in sales and Sarah was the head of HR for companies throughout the Phoenix area.  We chased after the lie that in order to be "successful" in life you had to work long hours, make a ton of money, buy a big house, drive nice cars and do all of the other things that keep you in debt and a slave to the system.

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In 2012, we decide enough was enough and started down a different path.  We sold our big house in the communist style HOA neighborhood and bought a run down urban farm.  It was in terrible shape.  In fact, our realtor told us to bulldoze it and build a new house.  We didn't listen to him and instead worked to restore the house and the land into a productive piece of land.  

While living on that property, we worked tirelessly to get out of debt and learn homesteading skills.  We learned how to garden, raise and slaughter our own animals, how to milk goats, how to preserve food and A LOT of other skills.

By 2016, we were completely debt free and ready to take what we learned to the next level.  We quit our "good' jobs and sold the urban farm so that we could move our family to the Missouri Ozark's.  

We have been full time homesteaders for a little over a year now and LOVE IT!  We have never been happier and our relationships with each other and our children have never been stronger.  

This is where the story picks up...We hope you will follow along as we continue to transition from city dwellers to full time homesteaders in the Missouri Ozark's!  


wow.. what an inspiration @livingtraditions
great family... nice kids you guys are amazing... got me thinking of also joining the pack of new home steaders...
welcome also to steemit...am sure your experiences shared here will help educate others.. thanks for sharing!

Where there is love there is life.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Dude, thats an awesome! What part of Missouri are you in? Is love to meet up

Hi there, @livingtraditions Welcome to Steemit. Love your story. We are from The Curator. (A post style magazine on Steemit) We do curating for informative, creative, entertaining, yet undervalued posts. We love your fantastic post. And we feel that it is undervalued. We would like to share it in our magazine. But first, we would like to ask for your permission to add your post to our next issue, With a picture from your post. That we will use as a thumbnail, We will share a portion of the post gifts. With the posts that we share in the upcoming issue. If you agree to this. Please let us know below this comment. At your earliest convenience.
Thank you. PostHuntress, @the-curator
And keep on Steeming your wonderful posts.

Welcome! I've followed you on YT for a while, good to see you here, enjoy!

Welcome to Steemit! Glad to see you here. Hope to hear more from you.

Awesome! Best of luck! And I'm now following for future updates!

Great story! It is interesting to see how many people are going the route of homesteading these days!! I look forward to hearing more.

Thanks for following! We are about 6 years into homesteading and just over a year full time. Wouldn't trade this lifestyle for anything!

Welcome to Steemit! I'm a fellow homesteader (newbie) and look forward to reading your future posts!

Thank you! We have been on YouTube for a while but just learning more about Steemit. I love what I am seeing so far. Seems like a good sense of community amongst the homesteaders that are posting. We will definitely be posting more soon. - Kevin

Awesome! I invite you to check out the SteemitHomesteaders.Slack chat channel where we all get together and support one another! You can read more about it here: https://steemit.com/steemithomesteaders/@greenacrehome/announcement-steemithomesteaders-slack-community. I am a member and I love it!

Also @livingtraditions, I run a Weekly Homesteading Newsletter that is posted every Sunday! I was wondering if I could include a link to this article in the next newsletter to help introduce you to the homesteading community/ get your profile seen! Just let me know! Thanks!

Hi from Australia and following your journey.

So glad you found us! And glad you are following along!