Fruit FLY HADES! Simple Trick To KILL THEM ALL With Common House Products
Most of you know we recently made a trip to the local grape vineyard and I'm happy to report that we have some delicious wine bubbling and fermenting. However, when bringing the grapes home, we discovered a hitchhiker. The dastardly fruit fly. They are highly annoying and they get into everything it seems.
Well, there is a simple solution for that and most of you probably already have the materials in your house to deal effectively with it. So if you ever need to get rid of fruit flies, here is what you do.

- Mason jar (small neck) A tall glass with work as well.
- Piece of 8x11 paper
- Apple cider vinegar or wine will work too.
- Scotch tape
The fruit fly lifespan is about 50 days and one female can lay up to 500 eggs. So if you don't take care of this problem quickly, it can get out of hand FAST!
Another good tip is to put bleach down your drain over night to kill any larvae that may be down there. This includes any bathtub as well. They will often lay eggs near moisture.
We do something similar. We use a jar with some water, some apple cider vinegar and a drop of liquid soap to break the surface tension. It's very effective.
I always enjoy seeing home remedies for otherwise commercial products. Thanks for sharing your super easy and effective method for catching these bugs!
Now... what about stick bugs?!?! 😎
We give stick bugs to our friend @jeejee
Sorry, I meant stink bugs. Do you guys have those out your way?
I am on it! My chicken scrap bowl always seems to draw them!
Good deal!
What about regular flies, will it capture them too? I know you have that other try for outside but I was wondering about inside ways to get those pesky flies!!
There is a reason why they used fruit flies in studying genetics at university. You always have a steady supply! We use similar traps here on our homestead because it seems all you need is one female to lay eggs and you are in business!
great idea, thanks for sharing