You only have to be doing this lifestyle for just a short while to know that there are a lot of people trying to homestead and return to a more simple lifestyle. In fact, there is an entire retail industry that is centered around the small farm or homestead and to sell you goods, products and services.
And because it's now January and the beginning of a new calendar year, the catalogs are showing up in our mailbox and I'm sure they are showing up in yours as well. Who doesn't like to look at a bunch of pretty pictures and information when it concerns your day to day living? It's kinda fun to check out the latest gadgets and gizmos that might make your homesteading life easier.
Ever since the early days of mail delivery by stagecoach or locomotive, homesteaders and farmers have looked forward to the arrival of the next years product catalogs.

And then, we have Benjamin Franklin who is believed to be the first to publish a catalog in the British colonies in North America. But the first mail order catalog in the United States came out from Tiffanys, who today is known as a luxury jeweler. But the most famous American catalog that many are familiar with is the Sears Roebuck. In fact, the saw mill we have on the homestead was originally purchased through the Sears Roebuck catalog back in the 1940's.
Even with the information age today making it so easy to shop online, catalogs are still used to reach millions of customers. So what catalogs are we enjoying that arrive in the mail? Let's take a look.
One of the most popular homestead and small farm catalogs is the one published each year from Baker Creek called Rare Seeds.

We have a collection of their catalogs and each one full of great info and wonderful products. And the best part is that they will send you a catalog for free by simply filling out an online form. Or you can download a PDF copy too!
Premier 1 Supplies
As a homesteader who raises livestock, I was quick to discover Premier 1 Supplies catalogs.

What I like best about Premier 1 Supplies is that not only is their catalog full of great photos and well known quality products, they also use their catalog to TEACH! Homestead and small farmer education is very popular as people are hungry for knowledge and Premier 1 uses that to their advantage when reaching customers. You will learn a lot just by reading their catalog.
Growers Supply
This is the top catalog for farmers and homesteaders looking to find and build for themselves a greenhouse.

If you are looking at buying and building a greenhouse, chances are you will get your best deal here. You will simply be amazed at all the options you have. Our homestead has used this company before and they go out of their way to make sure you are happy with the order. You can order the catalog for free online.
Field and Forest Products
This is one of all time favorite catalogs. Mostly because you can learn an awful lot just by reading their catalog. It's full of useful information and not just products.

Choose from a wide variety of amazing mushroom growing kits and learn how to make your own mushroom starter year after year in your garden. Plus, by putting these different spawn in your garden, you're going to help your other plants grow by enhancing your soil. Check out their catalog by clicking here.
Some of our first catalog purchases came from Lehmans before we moved off grid.

Overall it's a fun catalog and you will have a fun time reading through this and referencing back to it from time to time. Go here to get a copy delivered for free.
What catalogs do you wait by the mailbox for? Please leave a recommendation below and if you can, POST THE LINK to order the catalog as well. We will all benefit by sharing the information!
ALSO, we will be attending this years Baker Creek Spring Planting Festival so make plans to attend and visit the An American Homestead Booth!

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I really like Lehmans catalog. I wonder when they'll start accepting cryptos. :-) @ironshield the next few years I would guess. I wonder when I will start spending my cryptos. HODL!
I LOVE Lehman's! I ordered their catalog last fall and have so many pages dog-eared.
And the Sears & Roebuck! Oh my GOSH! I remember going with my grandma when she would order and we would stand in line at the catalog pick-up area... SUCH memories!
Yeah, Lehmans is family favorite around here too! And I love looking through old photos online from very early Sears Roebuck catalogs. Amazing!
Thanks for the links, a couple of the seed ones we have been getting for a few years but I didn't know about the others, much appreciated.
You're welcome!
You are doing awesome bro, I love your posts and this is one of them. Keep it on
Lots of great info here to get me started with in my research. Thank you.
Yes, these catalogs not only have good usable products but lots of education in them as well. Order them, they are free!
Tweeting out this loaded full of information article to others!
And yup I get all of those as well..
This is awesome! Resteeming so I remember to order all of them when I get time to sit down for a minute. Thanks!
You will really enjoy them. I'm always excited to see new ones in my mailbox.
Hey Zac, I just posted my 2018 goals on my Steemit page. I'd appreciate your thoughts on my list. You've been there and done that and I'm relatively new to the lifestyle. Thanks in advance. ~Tommy
Thanks! Will check it out!
Thanks for the great resources! I have been considering cultivating mushrooms on our property so appreciated the suggested company.
Yeah, its a little work. But worth it.
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