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RE: Compost Tea: Garden's Secret Liquid Gold

in #homesteading6 years ago

There is definitely an art (and a science) to good composting. I could never get it quite right... I think too much green matter, not enough brown matter, and certainly not enough oxygen. Found it easier to go with worms, although they are slower than a decent compost system.


Yes, it is difficult to get enough browns. I found that horse bedding pellets are nice addition since they are just pine shavings. The pellets really soak up a lot of moisture too. It is a rather affordable option if free browns are not available. I am luck in that I have a lot of oak trees in my back yard, so I get a ton of leaves. Having just started my first worm bucket, I am excited to see the worms multiply. Do you sift your castings to separate out the pure good stuff?