Permaculture Radio Show: Observe & Interact

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

This is the first installation in our permaculture principles series. We are super excited to be sharing and promoting permaculture through the blockchain. We're hosting a live radio shows through the Global Homestead Collective (@ghscollective) every Tuesday from 4-5pm CST and are digging into each of the 12 principles. Check it out here.

Here is the recorded show:

We believe in the power of using permaculture to change lives and bring about change and this is our humble offering. Today's episode is focused on principle #1:

Observe and interact - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Human becoming a tree...



The core of permaculture is a dozen principles guided by a trio of ethics.

How one chooses to implement these principles and ethics is entirely context dependent, but the themes and concepts can help shape and inform our daily decisions, big and small.

Permaculture is the skillful design and implementation of strategies for abundance and harmony. It can be growing food, building shelter, energy usage, political organization and more.

This first principle may be the most crucial of all because it sets the stage for further action or inaction. As we inhabit the role as designer and insert ourselves, we affect change in our environment. By nature we cannot completely remove ourselves from any situation as even by observing we are having an effect on what we are observing.


This principle reminds us to do nothing (except observe) before moving into action mode so that our action may be informed and aligned.

In this episode we go over some ancient examples of the results of deep observation practice and a highlight some of the amazingly connected aspects of human culture citing the Chaco Canyon cultural site as one example. Their dwellings and ceremonial sites are aligned with cosmic cycles and rhythms and the connection they embodied is truly astounding. Read more about it here.

The inter-building alignments form an astronomical regional pattern of approximately 5,000 square kilometers.



An example of building in allignment at Chaco Canyon

We dive a little into how the North American landscape WAS managed and how European arrivals didn't understand the extend of human and land interaction when they arrived here. There's always another layer of undersatnding if we're willing to look for it. How would our experience of life differ if our ancestors had met the Native Americans and their management of the landscape with curiosity and observation instead of domination/exploitation?

Interacting with our landscape can be harmonious if we take the time

This principle shows us that we CAN meet our needs without having to impose our will on a landscape.

First we must understand the current status of whatever ecosystem we are interacting with. To do so, we must take a step back and slow down (we'll save that for another episode though...). We offer a few simple techniques that can facilitate this observation process and share stories of how it was affected our life on the land so far.

We have a powerful toolkit at our disposal if we are willing to use it.... Our mind, memory and forethought can guide us to amazing things.

Circle of Permaculture Principles
Join us next week for Catch & Store energy!

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This was a great show! I will re-listen because I missed the beginning live! Thank you for the great conversation.

thank you @wholesomeroots, it's such a blessing to have such inspired, kind, engaged and knowledgable people along for the ride with us! <3

Oh! So looking forward to this series ❤ Awesome blocks to the chain @mountainjewel high 5!! Gonna get cozy & give THIS a listen. ASAP

awww sweet! curious to hear your thoughts. we're loving this opportunity and very thankful! <3

Listening to you guys now! Great to hear your voice haha. Been following for awhile. I know you won't like this characterization but you are building a media empire :)
Less is more. Observing housing development in California is the exact opposite. They level the ground then build it back up. Its like trying to erase nature. California is a crazy mix of all things - good and bad - all jumbled together. Anyway...great that you have radio show recorded now. Keep it up! we are listening :)

haha thanks steven! a media empire ;) if only to boost the plants!! haha

yes... your example you mentioned speaks to one of the core things humans keep doing- which is to create more work for ourselves because we aren't working in alignment with nature... but looking at it as a bare backdrop to human life. we can switch this out and study how nature is already working so that we can create abundant harmonious systems! permaculture is the way.

thank you for the encouragement and for your presence <3

This is such an important point and I'm glad it's the bedrock idea. I've been trying to plan out a house design, and while there are things I know matter to me no matter where I am (such as not having my bedroom window face east and having bathroom windows that open), my builder and I are waiting to pin down most things about the design until we've spent more time on the land. There is a little hut there now, and I may car camp in it a few nights after the purchase of the land is complete, so that I get more of a feel for how the land changes throughout the days.

That of course is no comparison with cultures that developed through centuries of observation and adaptation. It's a start though.

There is a little hut there now, and I may car camp in it a few nights after the purchase of the land is complete, so that I get more of a feel for how the land changes throughout the days.

mmmmm i love this idea. let the land reveal herself to you... it is amazing how when we spend time in place, it reaches us and we just know things, and we also can observe a great deal. it truly is the first step. excited with you.

and yes, definitely not even touching upon these past cultures. they're inspirations and guideposts to us!

This show was great on the recording! I'll try to get things working for next week. Really looking forward to the rest of the series.

thanks Ceci for your support and glad you could listen in on this! <3