
What a beautiful gray color! I love wearing earth tones. I'm still amazed by the weaving you do and the gorgeousness of the finished products. Nothing mass produced can possibly touch something made so lovingly and all naturally :)

Wow! I love that grey almost black colour. Do you know if you get a similar shade in wool? I just started naturally dyeing wool yarn and I'm in love with the process. Maybe I should try some silk at some point. Thank you for this post!

So lovely! Your pictures of dyeing outside and the kids helping their father! Is the pomegranate dye pretty colorfast?

Yes I find it to be so!
Thank you!

Love the earthy tone it has. I'm not a fan of bright colors to wear. I'm more of a brown/tan/green wearer lol. Very pretty.

Ahhh, I can relate... Earth tones are my stand bys! and then you have room to add a bit of color if you're in the mood, LOL. thanks for reading!

Beautiful stuff! Thanks for the tip about the pomegranate rinds! Love that color & so happy to see a post from you 💕💙💕

Ahhh, thank you @mountainjewel! I have been wanting to Steem some blogs but have begun to be swept away by Spring chores and preparations for the new baby!

I've had some ideas brewing though so I will hopefully be posting some more... Thanks a lot for stopping by and for reading! xoxoxo

aw awesome- totally hear you on Spring coming, i can feel my steemit involvement slowing down as Life takes over!!! hope the prep for baby goes well <3


Beautiful post! Thanks for writing such grounded and elegant earth-centered content. We hope many will see through your posts just how connected we can be to our clothing and how plants and animals play a major part in that! You've been resteemed @the-hearth, @mountainjewel's earth-centered curation hub <3

Wow! Thank you so very much!!!

Very nice greys <3

Love this post very much. To see the colors transform is amazing. Pomegranite. Really. You rarely see this here in Canada, perhaps because of the short growing season, so I truly appreciate this. Thanks for sharing

Thank you! Yes, we splurge and buy a few each winter around the holidays and I cherish the skins for the dyeing!!!

I've been drying out some pomegranate rinds for dye as well but haven't used them yet. Your post makes me excited to try it out and that it'll yield a gray color! Where do you get your raw silk yarn? It sounds lovely!