Been Sick, New Babies, Fixed the Sheep Shelter and Helped a Duck

Been sick for about the last week and a half now. Haven't gotten much done outside. Nothing serious. Just an upper respirtory thing that I've been having a hard time getting rid of. It's not just me though. It's going around at work and several others are having a hard time getting rid of it. I've also shared it with the husband and our youngest. My bad. Been dousing my hands in hand sanitizer at work to try and avoid spreading it anymore.

But yesterday my son rushed into the house and announced that we had baby sheep. Yup, one of my ewes gave birth.

Wasn't expecting that for another couple of months at least. Now I've got to set up a separate area for the girls so they can have alfalfa pellets and not be bothered by the boys. The boys do not need alfalfa pellets. They don't need anything except for their hay and grass. But the girls do when they're pregnant/nursing. Besides, the boys are greedy and try to hog all of the grain and/or alfalfa pellets.

The sheep also busted their shelter by rubbing on it so I had to fix that today.

Good thing too because it's currently pouring outside. I already checked on everybody and the babies and everybody else are in the shelter.

I got some of the girls new area put up but it got too dark to record anything. Besides, I'll be able to get it almost all done tomorrow before I have to go to work.n

My husband and I also rescued one of our ducks tonight. She'd gotten some string wrapped around her leg like a week ago and we've been trying to catch her to get it off but she kept flying away.

Tonight when I went out to check on the sheep, she was out there waddling around as best she could. I think since she was having a hard time walking and it was dark out so she couldn't really see where to fly. So I was finally able to catch her. I brought her in the house and my husband cut the string off of her legs with his pocket knife. I also trimmed her wing so she can't fly out of their pen anymore.

One day when I have our property fenced in, I'll let the ducks have more free range time. But for right now they're safer in their pen. Also, they've been known to visit our neighbors pond. Don't know if the neighbors mind. But I don't want my animals bothering anybody no matter what.

Oh, somebody had commented that the shorter videos were a little harder to watch when they're separated. I usually record them like that because I put them on instagram and those can only be a minute long. But I've figured out a way to put them all together before I upload them to youtube. So hopefully they'll be easier to watch.

Ok, I'm off to watch Star Trek and crochet before bed.


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Thank you. I'm always trying to improve my property and the lives of my animals and family. Therefore, I'm never done. lol

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