
If its peace you want, easy, get off the internet and face up to your responsibilities, to look after your mail order bride, bought and paid for by your subs, or do you expect them to feed her and your brat as well?

Nobody "bought" my wife you scum!!!

And I will choose how and where I want to work.

Troy the lovely Melanie was bought and paid for by your subs. You made a video of it!!!

I sold T-Shirts to raise money for a plane ticket.

People got a legitimate product.

My wife was NOT purchased!!!!!!!!

you asked people to donate to get your mail order bride home then asked for more money to put clothes on her back. Its in your videos.


So you exchanged T-shirts for a wife!

So where did the addtional cash come from?

what about 3 plane tickets? Did t shirts pay all that? what about begging for money to put clothes on her back? Your subs bought you a wife and continue to support her and now a kid. You are the NO. 1 beggar on youtube

Trogs getting all upset because he had to go out and buy an Asian wife because no American woman would have him.
Real men don’t buy women, real men find themselves a proper wife not a fake, bought one, and real men go out to support their woman, just like an animal looking after its young.
Think is called natural instinct, but Reid’s natural instinct is to lie, scam and beg.
It’s known all over the world that the little Mellon Head Girl is bought and paid for by his YouTube Goons!
Please donate, please help get Ming home, I can hear it now, scumbag!

@thediyworld so all those please donate to bring mel home videos were not you asking for gullible viewers to buy your wife? it sure as hell appeared that way. that is how everyone perceived it troy...

the issue is that you DON'T work and instead ebeg for everything from gullible subs...

yes you can choose how and where you want to work. Nevermind you just can't cut it on youtube or steemit, lots of losers try and fail. Once they foreclose on the wasteland you might want to rethink your job opportunities.

Make a living? Stepping up the begging or goin to make her pump out more videos?

Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't whore her out, bet it would come natural to her!
Trogs real feelings are somewhere else.

You will never find me beg on video.

Anyone can see for themselves.

I am uploading the videos right here on steemit.

idiot, you are only uploading Michigan videos. The majority of your begging was in Pine Bush. Is that how you find a loop hole to claim we are lying? You begged in almost every video.