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RE: Everything Gardens

I would love to see wolf reintroduction. I had no idea that coyote populations for dropping as well, it's a little more surprising because coyotes are super resourceful and seem to thrive even in cities. Cool tip using a dog as deer deterrent :-) I'm a great animal lover myself and plan to always have a dog no matter where I am :-) so that's good to know :-) great article.


Thank you for the feedback. The coyotes are becoming less afraid of humans as they are living so close now, you are right that they adapt very well. I believe the populations are dropping mostly because of human intervention. The goat ranchers nearby have dogs, and you can hear them fending off the coyotes in epic battles. As the cities get bigger, and the suburbs expand, less room for roaming but plenty of food to scavenge. Just like the deer, cities, towns, and even housing communities adopt anti coyote ordinances, putting the poor things in even more of a tight situation. It's a difficult and complex problem. I live near a very large nature preserve, and I feel that preservation is probably the only course of action for both humans and animals.