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RE: How To Make Crock Pot Hot Process Soap For Immediate Use

in #homesteading7 years ago

@thediyworld. I saw today's YT DIY video Solar Fraud Update.

I see you finally showed a fire burning in the wood stove.
Thanks for jumping through our hoops BTW!

BUT YOU acted like its the first time you've placed your hand on it to feel the heat.

Plus You said you're only "warming things" on top of the stove,
BUT before you said you were cooking, making soap and heating water for showers.

I think you're not telling us the truth AGAIN!

Besides the fact you have shown several times you have no firewood ready.


for a shack to be 95% off grid I find it odd no extension cord providing free power to any 110v things in the shack. The crock pot is it wood burning? I bet you plugged it into the wall outlet and used grid power. Not much of an off gridder but then no one ever believed you were in the first place. If I had your setup (which would mean my world caved in on me and my life would suck) I would overload that 15a receptacle trying to power up as many conveniences as possible. Even your ladtop and tv weren't hooked up to it. I think you are lying about being 95% off grid. What about the fridge and well pump and water heater and bathroom heater and lights? Yeah, I answered my own question, you are a fraud.

And of course, I cannot prove anything to a common troll.

I do not make these videos for you anyway.

Go away.

I can't leave. When I accepted your invitation to come here and make a ton of money I dropped everything and came here. I'm sticking with you till the end which is soon I hope because neither of us is making any money. Telling a fellow steemit member to go away is not very nice. I hope you burn in hell for that comment. Truth is hell is probably a lot nicer and more comfortable than what you have achieved on earth. I even feel sorry for those cats in the shack. Such filth can't be good for a cat to be in and the dust and cat hair will make them sick.