How to Care For Day Old Quail Chicks


5 Simple Steps!


For our brooder, I find a plastic storage tote to be the easiest to set up and keep clean and sanitized for the first week or two depending on how many chicks you are caring for. I always sanitize it well with vinegar and be sure it is all the way dry. A cardboard box works well but can get gross fast with the moisture from spilled water and poop. So if you use cardboard be sure to have extra boxes on hand to replace frequently because moisture is not okay.



It is important to add a slip free bedding so the chicks legs can develop properly. A rough textured newspaper (not glossy) or paper towels as a base is good and then add a thin layer of chick bedding. I use pine shavings. DO NOT use cedar as it can cause respiratory issues. There are other products as well but pine shavings have always been an easy, cost effective bedding for us.



Chicks are supposed to stay in incubator until dry so you do not chill them moving to brooder. I have had no luck in my chicks drying in the incubator as my humidity is so high at hatching. I wait till all are out of shells and they begin stumbling around. Then I take a warm towel and hold it against me and put them inside to transport to my brooder that has already had the temperature adjusted and set up in advance with a safe Premier 1 Heat Lamp and a good thermometer at chick level. The beginning temperature should be between 95 and 99 Degrees Fahrenheit. Each week you can lower temperature by 5 degrees.



Quail need access to fresh water at all times right from the start. Do not introduce food until after you give them the water. I use my magic water for all new chicks. It is a mix of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Raw Honey, and fresh chopped or crushed Garlic. I mix a quart jar with a few tablespoons of ACV and honey and a few cloves of garlic. I always start them on WARM water. This helps as they can not regulate their body temperature. Quail are very susceptible to drowning as they are so tiny. We always put rocks or marbles in the water dish to prevent accidental drowning. Water should be changed out frequently as they will fill it with feed and bedding easily. I use a jelly lid at first and move up to chick waterer as they grow. As I place each chick into the brooder I dip just the tip of their beak into water and set them down right next to it. I repeat this another time or 2 throughout the day and then continue tapping my finger tip in water so they are encouraged to drink frequently.



It is important to use GAME BIRD starter for quail. Plain chick starter is not sufficient and can lead to deficiencies. For the first week or two you will have to grind up that feed as their beaks are so tiny. Sprinkle it around the floor of brooder and in shallow dishes like jelly lids. Tap at the food with your finger to show the new babies the food. Do this often the first day or two till they really get the idea. They will waste a lot and need to have more added frequently throughout the day. I like to add Brewers yeast or Bragg's Nutritional yeast to feed once a day to be sure they are getting enough vitamins.

If you want to watch the video I created about this, here it is!

Thank you for reading and watching Wholesome Roots!


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Awww this was not only educational to read but lovely to watch!

AWW! Thanks! I appreciate that!

The Magic Water

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Raw Honey, and fresh chopped or crushed Garlic.

Great Idea!.

Really good stuff! Helps prevent coccidia! Thanks!

That magic would be good for anyone or any animals.

Enjoy seeing the other side of Quails. I have grown up seeing them as 'cute running birds'. They're Wild here and it's enjoyable to watch how Full of Life the Desert is.

nice to see you back on Steemit. Have you thought about posting your videos to D tube?. I love your you tube videos

I have missed it but when it got so glitchy and I lost a few articles after all the work I did I just had to walk away. Then I got so busy with YouTube and the farm... I'm trying to do more! Dtube was very glitchy last I tried? is it better now?

I am not sure, I think they have worked some bugs out; I suppose there is only one way to find out!. There are a lot of people coming over from you tube to D tube, some big names, so it could be a good move to put your content on here as well as you tube. It is more work, but I know you are not workshy!

Nice tutorial. Thanks.

Theres some great tips. I haven't seen anything from you for a while, or have I just been missing your posts in the feed?

I stepped away for a little while when things got glitchy and steemit lost two of my articles... and then life got busy and I was really working hard on my YouTube channel. It's hard to find time to do it all!

It is hard to juggle time. Homesteading in the public sphere can be quite taxing, but good to see that you're back.

Very good information. Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for the information