Homestead Photography Contest Week #7 Winners and New Theme

in #homesteadphotography7 years ago (edited)

The end of another week of the Homestead Photography Contest has finished up. Thanks go out to everyone who participated and have been following this contest. It’s because of you that I keep this going.

Homesteading Photography Contest - Winners.png

Now let’s see who the lucky winners are this week and as usual the theme for next week will be at the end. This week’s theme was Homestead Pastimes and I must say that you all have some really great ways to enjoy yourself/pass the time on the homestead. In total this week, we had 8 entries.

First place this week goes to @farmstead. She will receive .5 sbd.

Second place this week goes to @allforthegood. She will receive .25 sbd and her original post is here.

Thanks again for all of the entries. Now, onward to the theme for next week. The theme for Week #8 will be the same as the first theme and was one of my favorites. The new theme will be Animals on the Homestead. This could be farm animals or pets of any kind. Like the rest of the contests, 50% of the liquid sbd generated from this post will be given to the winner and 25% will go to the person who places second.

The rules are:

  1. One entry per person
  2. Upvote this post to increase the rewards for the winners (not required, but a resteem would be appreciatetd)
  3. Please use #homesteadphotography as one of your tags and leave a link in the comments below
  4. You will have until this post pays out to get in your entries
  5. Your entry can either be made into a post or your photo can be left in the comments below

Thanks for looking!


All sbd winnings have been sent. Thank you

Here is our entry a picture of our two 600lb plus Berkshire sows sisters and their last litters this past fall. They both shared feeding all the baby's and weaned 16 in total. Berkshire pigs are a heritage breed prized for there tasty heavy marbled meat.

Wow, that's a lot of pigs! They were probably a handful to take care of. Good Job!

Here’s my entry, it’s my dog Toby! He is a character! He thinks he’s a guard dog, lol.

He looks like a guard dog that's ready to party! I always find it funny how the smallest dogs think they are huge like a great dane. Good Job!


Thanks for running this contest, here is my entry. I had 24 of these little guys running around last year. My wife got job in a another county so I had to sell them all. I'd like to get back into to raising them again one day, but right now I all I'm able to do is keep a few laying hens. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for entering. We have been wanting to get some pigs for a number of years, but something always comes up. Hopefully this year or next year, we will be able to get some. Good Job!

This was my first time. Good luck with them. They're a challenge but well worth it. I used electric net fencing to rotate them on pasture. It worked great.

Okay, I will keep that in mind. Thanks!

I've got to enter this pic I took today for my 7 day photo challenge I participated in.

farmstead farmsteadsmith dog pet koodge

He really is an amazing dog who has kept me going through many ups and downs including my husband deploying, depression, moving from Germany back to Oregon, and daily he helps me get out bed. Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed with him, cause he's a great cuddler, but I know he's gotta pee, so out of bed we get! Haha. He is a beagle-pit mix and he is a caring guy. He is great with my chickens, and has proven to be an excellent farm dog by not killing anything. Haha. He's kept me going for over seven years now, and while he does annoy me sometimes with his barking at and chasing of the cat, or randomly stealing crap off the counter, I appreciate him every day.


This is a great story and photo! The beagles are probably my favorite type of dog, but the beagle in him may be why he likes to chase the cat :) Overall, this was a really good submission.

He's the "moderator" of the household. If I yell at the cat, Koodge is on it by running up to the cat and barking. He does mouth the cat, but hasn't bit him. Thank goodness. I think he's just trying to tell him what to do but there is a language barrier! Haha. Koodge hasn't ever been fond of young puppies, so I imagine the cat annoys him pretty good.