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RE: Some recent footage from Hong Kong

in #hongkong5 years ago

Are you aware that, in the UK, the equating of Jews and Israel with the crimes of Nazi Germany can be construed as a crime?

Yes, Tommy is a strong believer in the right of the Jewish people to a national home in the ancient land of Israel where the Jewish people had their cultural and national coalescence as described in the Hebrew Bible and as demonstrated with countless archeological finds and solid evidence of Jewish Israel such as Jerusalem, Hebron, Schem and many other places.

Fortunately Islamic conquest and Nazi genocide both failed to extinguish the Jewish people. Am Israel Chai. 🇮🇱


"Are you aware that, in the UK, the equating of Jews and Israel with the crimes of Nazi Germany can be construed as a crime?"

When telling the truth is a crime, every honest man is a criminal.

It is not antisemitism to oppose Frankist-Sabbateanism that hides within Judaism, like a coven of Satanists in a church. They allow the blame for their crimes to be levied at Jews, and foment antisemitism because division and strife is their purpose, their coin, their ladder to power.

It is not Judaism Tommy Robinson supports, but Zionism, which has become the most antisemitic force in the world today. Zionism does not seek to attain a Jewish homeland in the ME. It seeks to do so in a way that causes as much hatred and anguish as they can drum up between the sects of the ancient cult that have lost their way in the blazing desert sun, and use this violent conflict to elevate themselves.

The UK has devolved into a totalitarian police state that is little more than a branch of Zionazism. It approaches China with it's surveillance, absurd propaganda, and abuse of it's people.

It's deeply unfortunate, and a perversion of human nature, that after the atrocious suffering the Jewish people have endured, the murderous theocracy that is Israel treates the poor Palestinian people with such cruelty and inhumanity. Sorry, you are too brainwashed to see it, and I'm glad it's becoming more evident to the world:

I and the public know.
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done.
Do evil in return.

Open Letter to Israel