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RE: Some recent footage from Hong Kong

in #hongkong5 years ago

Freedom has always been illegal, and only criminals are free. No one needs a leader to be free. All one needs to do to be free is not obey overlords.

You can't do that legally. Any leader that pops up will draw fire. Overlords and their minions cannot direct fire at non-targets, so decentralized freedom remains the best option, and more so the more centralized tyranny is.

Each of the protesters actually has a leadership role IMHO. Leading their own lives.


Freedom has always been illegal

[Citation Needed]

I don't really understand any of this in terms of the real world. Criminals, that go to prison and are then extremely limited in their rights... are free? How do you figure?

Overlords and their minions cannot direct fire at non-targets

I mean... yes they can, and do... all the time, with ease. in China it's happening on a constant basis so I'm not sure where you're getting that idea from...

Decentralised freedom just means the same people can get shot down or imprisoned, with nobody around to open dialogue because everyone has slightly different ideas and thus nobody can speak for everyone, nor compromise. Chaos ensues and the 'overlords' take over, no problem.

So decentralized freedom remains the best option

But this isn't decentralized freedom we're talking about. We're talking about decentralized protests to desperately demand and maintain the status quo of centralized freedom that is HK city. They're not fighting for an Anarchist state, they're fighting against Totalitarian rule.

Remember, this is not a protest which can possibly, ever, lead to the overthrowing of the government like we see around the rest of the world. There is precisely 0% risk for Xi jinping in this case. All they can hope for, in the best, and still an extremely unlikely scenario, is to control and limit the powers of the local government, and the more fuel they give with violence (rumour has it the University is exposed as a weapons factory with almost 10,000 petrol bombs, but we'll see how reliable that is), the more likely the 'overlords' are going to drop their iron fist.

Being 'free' by not obeying is only going to lead you to being very un-free or dead, which I guess is the ultimate freedom

"Criminals, that go to prison and are then extremely limited in their rights... are free? How do you figure?"

The GAO (Government Accounting Office) estimated in the early 1990s that over 90% of Americans were guilty of violating the law. Almost all criminals are never punished.

Vast reams of new law has been written since then, creating vast hordes of new criminals by creating new crimes.

What I mean by 'freedom has always been illegal' is that whenever some gang asserts supremacy, any that do not accede to that demand are criminals. Any that do aren't free.

" Any leader that pops up will draw fire. Overlords and their minions cannot direct fire at non-targets, so decentralized freedom remains the best option, and more so the more centralized tyranny is."

This is the context from which you extract your next question, and this context answers your question. Leaderless mobs have no leaders, so those leaders cannot be targeted, because they don't exist.

Edit: this may pique your interest:


"... nobody can speak for everyone..."


"Freedom" is merely a rhetorical slogan to mobilise unwise youths and the gullible into destabilising current sociopolitical status for the benefit of the ambitious. The so-called protests in Hong Kong has no meaning or purpose other than increasing chaos and destruction. These self-indulgent mob violence only accomplished Hong Kong being economically severed from the international financial system, and thus, more easily controlled politically by Beijing in the future. Without the anti-Xi factions to hamper central government response and provide support for the rioters, these riots would not have lasted for 5 months. These so-called freedom fighters are nothing more than pawns in the political game between communists.

Freedom isn't merely a slogan. It's the actual state of living beings, including people.

The rest of your comment seems factually correct, despite the sincerity of rebels misled by instigators deploying Hegelian Dialectic techniques to incite them to rebellion.

It's unfortunate free people suffer violent oppression anywhere, ever, and I look forward to that happy day when nominal security tech renders political power obsolete.

"Freedom" is nothing more than whim repackaged in pretty sounding abstraction. Western freedom, in which every whim is catered and considered as divine law, results in chaos and death. The muck in Hong Kong deluded themselves into actually believing the nonsense that their fickle whims are some type of divine and physical law. They will have plenty of time and opportunity to reflect on their monumental error regarding the human condition in Hong Kong prisons.

Men have previleges granted them befitting their station and duties; that is the state of human life within a sociocultural matrix. Not everyone wishes, nor are able, to live as hermits in a desert. Freedom drunk societies result in the libertarian paradise of Somalia, Lybia, and Syria. What do you think would have happened to Hong Kong, if these rioters were allowed to exercise their "freedom" unhindered by the police force?

I note that Uighur men are not granted such privileges, yet their Chinese masters grant the wives of Uighur men as possessions of their minions while the Uighur lawful husbands languish as slaves in camps. You cite Libya, Somalia, and Syria, which are not examples of the free civilian people exercising their natural soveriegnty, but of brutal oppression by savages intent on nothing more than the destruction of those nations as violently as possible.

The consequences of submission to overlords revealed in China, in the UK, and everywhere the wealth of natural resources causes nations possessing them to become targets of your acquisitive slavers does not recommend agreeing to serve them. War is their meat, and slavery their drink. It is not the excesses of free men you use as examples, but the lack of freedom and subjection to brutal dictators and violent overlords.

Watch the videos above. Observe the hindering you recommend. Tell me that it's good for people. Let me listen to you lie, again, and again, as you advocate slavery. It reminds me that the price I have paid for my freedom is cheap. It reveals that no matter the price, freedom is a bargain.

How convenient for you to begin the failed state narratives from the middle, as if the failure/decline of central authority and its subversion by the revolutionary elements had nothing to do with the rise of petty warlords. The hells of Somalia, Libya, Syria, etc. are but a direct consequence of central government failure, for which the religion of "freedom" calls. Men need to be governed; without strong central government, men exist in hell of their own creation, not in some libertarian fantasy of "free" civilians exercising "natural sovereignty."

Did the lack of police hinderance during the race riots of 1960s in the "free" 'Murica transform her cities into prosperous, libertarian paradise or devolve them into subsistence ghettos? Allow the muck to "exercise" their base tendencies, and all of civilisation will crumble into dust. The only proven method of stopping riots is mass display and use of force. That the modern world lacks rulers with greater sense of duty to preserve social order, but instead waver and hesitate at the mewling of peasant ethics, is the legacy of populist government.

Indeed the CCP is a cruel, brutal, and obtuse institution that rules 20% of humanity in his merciless, iron fist. It is also true that all ethnic minorities, including the Uighurs, are being exterminated by the Han dominated CCP. As terrible as the CCP may be, at least the institution acts according to its purpose: international communist revolution. Within the sociopolitical sphere of CCP, there exists no other god than the atheist communist ideology. That they exterminate other ideologies and obstacles are but natural and logical consequence. However evil these communist drones may be, at least they are respectable in their adherence to the duty to their god. There is a terrible beauty in such unvarnished evil. What, in contrast, does the West offer other than accumulation of shiny things that clink and meaningless slogans?

"Religious freedom" is a nonsense statement of an atheist that perceives all religion as fantasies of children. Insisting on "religious freedom" upon a society is akin to insisting upon having no measurement standard regarding distance, weight, or height. Religion is mutually exclusive ideology that cannot coexist. Only men so removed from all purpose, meaning, or identity would bandy about such nonsense as freedom and tolerance when regarding ideologies inimical to the central tenets of a sociocultural matrix.

Uighurs are indeed being exterminated, but are their lot any more different from the numberless natives the 'Muricans swept away in their Manifest Destiny? Are they any more pitiable than the millions of natives sentenced to slow-death in the gold mines of South and Central Americas to feed the limitless hunger of Western central banks and consumers? Are they any more worthy than the millions of blacks imported from Africa to die in the plantations of the Americas? The wealth and comfort of the civilised worlds are built upon the bones of those we have killed and enslaved. No one has their hands clean of the blood and muck required to sustain their current lot in life.

Men have killed men from the beginning of time; and men will continue to kill other men into the bright, shiny future about which you constantly preach. Men are born only to die. Duty and obligation give purpose to their lives. Men clinging to "freedom" are merely slaves to their whims and desires; ultimately their deaths bring no meaning.

It is difficult for me to upvote duplicity, mendacity, and fabrications, but it is so well crafted I am compelled to do so in this case.

You begin with false statements, and end with false despair. As you said above about ravenous Communist oppressors, at least you're consistent. I commend you to the tender mercies of your idols, those same savage Chinese imperialists that so perfectly fulfill your dreams. May you quiver with joy at every blow they land on you. May every theft of what is yours they undertake leave you happily more deprived, and may the silencing of your voice ring forever in your heart as your true legacy to your posterity.

You have earned it with these words, and I would not deny you your just compensation.

Should your heart faint at the hardship of the road you recommend and must travel, perhaps it will be strengthened to know that all political power and institutional contrivance will pass away soon, just as soon as we altruistic tinkerers can effect mechanisms that render them obsolete, and all the vicious, venal vituperation they, the predators on free men, undertake will be their lot, theirs alone that commit it.

Perhaps a day comes when you will seek facts, the truth, and the good faith of your peers. Then you can join us who daily bring forth the reality of freedom, justice, and happy people by our labors.
