Horoscope Daily - 3/14/2023
'Thank you' is the best prayer that anyone could say. ~Alice Walker
Birthday: Mar 21 - Apr 20
You feel like there's an imp on your shoulder, whispering all kinds of naughty mischief in your ear. Rather than trying to ignore those impulses entirely, why not see if you can bust out of your shell just a little bit right now?
Mood | Sportive |
Compatiblity | Taurus |
Lucky Number | 61 |
Lucky Time | 1am |
Lucky Color | Yellow |
Birthday: Apr 21 - May 20
Got the feeling that a friend isn't holding up their end of the arrangement? That they've been working against you in some way? Well, not to worry. You're always careful about how much you let be known about your private affairs.
Mood | Joyful |
Compatiblity | Cancer |
Lucky Number | 48 |
Lucky Time | 2pm |
Lucky Color | Purple |
Birthday: May 21 - Jun 21
If you haven't hit the road yet, you'll certainly be wishing you had now. If you've been waiting for someone else to clear their schedule so they can go along, it might be time to issue an ultimatum. Sweetly, of course.
Mood | Lonely |
Compatiblity | Pisces |
Lucky Number | 17 |
Lucky Time | 8pm |
Lucky Color | Navy Blue |
Birthday: Jun 22 - Jul 22
A desire to change it up is at the top of your list, but remember that you're looking to make change that actually improves your life. Cosmetic or superficial changes -- no matter how radical they seem -- don't really fit the bill now.
Mood | Productive |
Compatiblity | Libra |
Lucky Number | 1 |
Lucky Time | 5pm |
Lucky Color | Shadow Black |
Birthday: Jul 23 - Aug 22
Has something been on your wish list for a while? It's a good time to ask for it upfront. The stars say you're set to get it, especially if you remember to apply a little of that magnetic charm you're so justly famous for.
Mood | Lucky |
Compatiblity | Aquarius |
Lucky Number | 61 |
Lucky Time | 6pm |
Lucky Color | Orchid |
Birthday: Aug 23 - Sep 22
Still waging that behind the scenes war with a coworker who's deviously competing for what you've got? Keep working your retaliatory plan silently, without enlisting anyone's help. Winning battle strategies are those the opponent never saw coming.
Mood | Successful |
Compatiblity | Libra |
Lucky Number | 54 |
Lucky Time | 8am |
Lucky Color | Pink |
Birthday: Sep 23 - Oct 22
You know it won't take much to convince your sweetheart or best friend to play hooky with you for the day -- and you've been extremely diligent lately. Oh, why not? When was the last time you took a personal day?
Mood | Diligent |
Compatiblity | Sagittarius |
Lucky Number | 7 |
Lucky Time | 9am |
Lucky Color | Sky Blue |
Birthday: Oct 23 - Nov 22
'Don't get mad -- get even.' Tempting, isn't it? However, the backlash and psychic hangover from such a course of action really isn't worth it. If things are just too strange, breathe deeply and learn to roll with the punches for now.
Mood | Exhausted |
Compatiblity | Capricorn |
Lucky Number | 1 |
Lucky Time | 7am |
Lucky Color | Peach |
Birthday: Nov 23 - Dec 21
Romance goes from low on the priority list to number one with a bullet. Of course, that's not hard to believe when you've got those lovin' prospects in front of you. It's time for sweet words, candlelight and a romantic dinner.
Mood | Sweet |
Compatiblity | Scorpio |
Lucky Number | 40 |
Lucky Time | 9am |
Lucky Color | Spring Green |
Birthday: Dec 22 - Jan 19
Still on that 'just the facts, ma'am' roll? Still saying exactly what's on your mind, regardless of the consequences? Good for you. Just be sure to continue aiming this energy in the right direction: Toward someone who's earned it.
Mood | Energetic |
Compatiblity | Aries |
Lucky Number | 52 |
Lucky Time | 2am |
Lucky Color | Pink |
Birthday: Jan 20 - Feb 18
You're still revved and ready to rock, unwilling to be tethered by anything even remotely resembling responsibility. Fortunately, you're not always this way, and you do have a friend who'll stand in for you when you are. Call them. Now.
Mood | Cherishing |
Compatiblity | Pisces |
Lucky Number | 8 |
Lucky Time | 11pm |
Lucky Color | Copper |
Birthday: Feb 19 - Mar 20
It's time for the powers that be to take you seriously. Trot out your visionary ideas. If you don't currently have any on hand, show that you're able to listen to those who do have a different approach to the problem at hand.
Mood | Patient |
Compatiblity | Scorpio |
Lucky Number | 36 |
Lucky Time | 1am |
Lucky Color | Blue |