Horoscope Daily - 3/15/2023
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. ~Tim Notke
Birthday: Mar 21 - Apr 20
Talk it out rather than go home and bite your lip in frustration. Not only will it save you tons of frustration (not to mention your mouth), but a good friend will be able to shed light on the situation that provides you with an unexpected solution.
Mood | Successful |
Compatiblity | Leo |
Lucky Number | 81 |
Lucky Time | 2pm |
Lucky Color | Gold |
Birthday: Apr 21 - May 20
It's tiring to be in charge of your friends at all times, especially when it seems that they're not making much progress. Now, however, you're seeing improvement by leaps and bounds, and your name is written all over it. Congrats!
Mood | Successful |
Compatiblity | Gemini |
Lucky Number | 52 |
Lucky Time | 9am |
Lucky Color | Orchid |
Birthday: May 21 - Jun 21
For the first time in a while, your own needs and those of both your family and dearest friends are in perfect harmony. Basically, the universe has set you up with nothing but lovely green lights. Take advantage of it quickly.
Mood | Hopeful |
Compatiblity | Scorpio |
Lucky Number | 53 |
Lucky Time | 3pm |
Lucky Color | Sky Blue |
Birthday: Jun 22 - Jul 22
Something that's just too much trouble to keep going as it is inspires you to apply your creativity -- and come up with an innovative solution. Whoever said that necessity was the mother of invention had it right!
Mood | Tolerance |
Compatiblity | Pisces |
Lucky Number | 26 |
Lucky Time | 12am |
Lucky Color | Copper |
Birthday: Jul 23 - Aug 22
Everything just clicks into place, so feel free to charm your way to the top. Schedule meetings, and make demands. Above all, don't hurtle around like an off-course missile. Try and focus your energy on a few selective goals.
Mood | Charming |
Compatiblity | Libra |
Lucky Number | 43 |
Lucky Time | 3pm |
Lucky Color | Orchid |
Birthday: Aug 23 - Sep 22
To say you're feisty at the moment isn't quite accurate. All the compassion and sensitivity your sign is famous for has been temporarily replaced with fire, fire and more fire. No one will expect this, which gives you the upper hand.
Mood | Lucky |
Compatiblity | Cancer |
Lucky Number | 82 |
Lucky Time | 9am |
Lucky Color | Shadow Black |
Birthday: Sep 23 - Oct 22
Someone polished, successful and well traveled is heading your way. If you're single, that may not be the case for much longer. If you're not, this could be the professional partner you've been waiting for. Keep those keen eyes wide open.
Mood | Charming |
Compatiblity | Taurus |
Lucky Number | 62 |
Lucky Time | 9am |
Lucky Color | Brown |
Birthday: Oct 23 - Nov 22
Been thinking that it's time to make some changes in your life? Now's a great opportunity -- celestial influences favor all kinds of networking. Go through your address book and call up anyone who might be able to help.
Mood | Joyful |
Compatiblity | Aries |
Lucky Number | 23 |
Lucky Time | 12am |
Lucky Color | Silver |
Birthday: Nov 23 - Dec 21
You've got a mean case of the fidgets, but your wise inner voice is telling you not to give in. No matter how tempting it is to run around the room and scream at the top of your lungs, show a little restraint, okay?
Mood | Stubborn |
Compatiblity | Leo |
Lucky Number | 34 |
Lucky Time | 3pm |
Lucky Color | Yellow |
Birthday: Dec 22 - Jan 19
You're not often willing to do battle, but you do make exceptions. This is one of those times, and you've already had yesterday to practice. If you can't afford a bodyguard, take a friend along to mediate any potentially tricky encounters.
Mood | Mellow |
Compatiblity | Pisces |
Lucky Number | 39 |
Lucky Time | 8am |
Lucky Color | Pink |
Birthday: Jan 20 - Feb 18
You're supposed to be especially secretive now, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. You're actually in the mood to talk -- lots -- with just about anyone about just about anything, although tender subjects are at the top of the list.
Mood | Talkative |
Compatiblity | Taurus |
Lucky Number | 29 |
Lucky Time | 5am |
Lucky Color | Teal |
Birthday: Feb 19 - Mar 20
Instead of critiquing someone's unusual methods, why not observe how they're doing it and see if you could learn something? Your sharp mind is of better use that way. Nix any criticism. Narrow-mindedness only hinders you.
Mood | Indescribable |
Compatiblity | Scorpio |
Lucky Number | 61 |
Lucky Time | 9am |
Lucky Color | Silver |