Horoscope Daily - 3/24/2023
The sun itself is weak when it first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on. ~Charles Dickens
Birthday: Mar 21 - Apr 20
Your enthusiasm knows no bounds, and as anyone who knows you knows, that's saying something. A new project is responsible for sparking this fire underneath you, and you can't wait to get your favorite cohorts in on all the action.
Mood | Energetic |
Compatiblity | Pisces |
Lucky Number | 47 |
Lucky Time | 5am |
Lucky Color | Sky Blue |
Birthday: Apr 21 - May 20
It's time to get past something between you and an old friend. Isn't it tiring to pretend that it's not there after all this time? Resolving the situation will be a relief -- you're much more comfortable when everyone's happy.
Mood | Friendly |
Compatiblity | Sagittarius |
Lucky Number | 53 |
Lucky Time | 4am |
Lucky Color | Gold |
Birthday: May 21 - Jun 21
Ready to meet the love of your life? If you already have, lucky you. You'll be especially aware of that now. If not, keep your eyes open. Anything is possible, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.
Mood | Happy |
Compatiblity | Cancer |
Lucky Number | 28 |
Lucky Time | 5pm |
Lucky Color | Gold |
Birthday: Jun 22 - Jul 22
You've got great ideas, so stand behind them all the way. There's plenty of time to see them through, so don't rush the process. Being allowed to express your creativity is complete bliss, and the more unusual the locale, the more your gray matter is stimulated.
Mood | Patient |
Compatiblity | Sagittarius |
Lucky Number | 0 |
Lucky Time | 3pm |
Lucky Color | Navy Blue |
Birthday: Jul 23 - Aug 22
Usually you're one frugal sign, but you've been itching to really splash out and enjoy something really luxurious and out of the ordinary. Well, why not? Make all that budget watching worth it and indulge in something fantastic.
Mood | Grateful |
Compatiblity | Taurus |
Lucky Number | 4 |
Lucky Time | 9am |
Lucky Color | Peach |
Birthday: Aug 23 - Sep 22
Emotions are the name of the game now, and while you're not ordinarily fond of that particular game, you're not just playing, you're also teaching everyone else the rules. Start with your specialties: elegance and discretion.
Mood | Sweet |
Compatiblity | Cancer |
Lucky Number | 99 |
Lucky Time | 8pm |
Lucky Color | Navy Blue |
Birthday: Sep 23 - Oct 22
A life-changing plan may just pop up when you seize the initiative. Don't hesitate to come on strong and be assertive. It's important to follow up on any leads, especially when you see where they could go.
Mood | Determined |
Compatiblity | Scorpio |
Lucky Number | 86 |
Lucky Time | 11am |
Lucky Color | Copper |
Birthday: Oct 23 - Nov 22
Scratch being fashionably late and show up to everything on time -- especially anything and everything involving work activities. While you do stellar work, the boss may be in more of a nitpicky mood than usual.
Mood | Responsible |
Compatiblity | Taurus |
Lucky Number | 50 |
Lucky Time | 7pm |
Lucky Color | Navy Blue |
Birthday: Nov 23 - Dec 21
The efforts you've put into subtly moving a relationship from stage one to stage two haven't paid off, and you've been more than a little frustrated over it. Well, relax. As of now, all stumbling blocks will almost magically be removed.
Mood | Relaxed |
Compatiblity | Virgo |
Lucky Number | 58 |
Lucky Time | 1pm |
Lucky Color | Orchid |
Birthday: Dec 22 - Jan 19
Make yourself over. Go through your closet and donate any clothes you don't wear, sell those CDs you never listen to and get rid of any clutter that surrounds you. How can anything new enter your life if you don't make room for it?
Mood | Refreshed |
Compatiblity | Aries |
Lucky Number | 9 |
Lucky Time | 5am |
Lucky Color | Shadow Black |
Birthday: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Phooey on paperwork and routine tasks. You've got bigger fish to fry. Life feels exhilarating and brand-new. Is there any way you could put off your chores for just a little while longer and revel in this feeling? Why not?
Mood | Attractive |
Compatiblity | Capricorn |
Lucky Number | 94 |
Lucky Time | 4pm |
Lucky Color | Teal |
Birthday: Feb 19 - Mar 20
If you're not attached, keep one eye and both ears open, because someone from a far-off place is about to become part of your workday -- and it won't be a terrible hardship on you to put up with them.
Mood | Friendly |
Compatiblity | Aries |
Lucky Number | 89 |
Lucky Time | 3am |
Lucky Color | Rose Pink |