Best Horror Story

in #horror7 years ago


Thomas Greenfield(popularly known as Tom) was just a 12 year old boy. This story was gotten from his confession.

A lot of children from 12 years downwards have been kidnapped lately and were always seen a week after with their toes and fingers missing and with memory loss. It got so rampant and was happening mostly around Tom's school and his home that his mom felt it would safer if she relocated with him to another neighbouring community. On the day they were meant to pack, Tom went inside his room, closed the door slightly and brought out a box from under his bed, opened the box and not minding the gruesome stench of decayed flesh, he began to count the toes and fingers which he had acquired. His mom entered the room, shocked, she stares at him, but him being unmoved continues with the counting. His mom calls 911 and Tom was taken to custody.
He was questioned, and he answered smiling, kept saying he was the chosen one to do his Master's job and his Master's job can never be stopped.

Tom's dead body was found in the cell a week after with a writing on the wall saying "the masters job can never be stopped". The next day, a 12 years old kid was kidnapped and he was found one week after but this time his toes and fingers weren't missing. There was a hole in his chest, his heart was missing. Another chosen has arisen.