in #house6 years ago


One night we were meeting at Claudio's house.

There were four of us in total: the owner of the house, Emanuel, Hugo, and me: Lautaro. We decided to go to the store to buy soda.

When we were coming back. we passed by an abandoned house; when I looked forward I thought I saw something in it, I do not know what exactly but it aroused curiosity. When we had arrived at Claudio's house, I told my friends about the house and I suggested going to investigate; Hugo said yes instantly, Emanuel thought and then agreed but Claudio refused and there was no way to accept.

When we had prepared our backpacks and we were at the door of our friend's house, Hugo asked him once more if he wanted to go, but he refused again.

I snatched the cell phone from his hand and ran out with my friends behind in an attempt to come with nocotros, and it worked:

  • Hey! Come back! Claudio screamed when he started to follow us.

We ran to the abandoned house and went inside, and being there, Claudio arrived and asked for his cell phone back.

  • Give it to me.

  • OKAY; I'll give it back to you, with the condition that you stay with us. He seemed to think before answering.

  • Well, but give it back to me.

I handed him the device and lit our flashlights; Claudio, since he had not brought one, used his cell phone to give himself some light. Hugo turned on his video camera and we started the investigation; We had a good time and there was nothing that caught our attention, until in what I believe, before it was a kitchen, we found blood stains on the floor.

Enmanuel got very scared and took a few steps back.

  • What were you doing, little pictures? -I told him. -They are many years ago; nothing happens.

We continue walking and arrived at the living room; we sat down and as if from the interperie of treated we lit a small impromptu bonfire.

We sat and talked to the fire for about two hours, until Emmanuel got up saying he was going to the bathroom.

  • To the bathroom? -I questioned him.

  • You know what I mean ... - He said and left without more. The minutes passed and it was already strange that it took so long; We heard a scream we knew was from him.

We ran to see what happened and we found blood stains again, but these were recent. Steps behind us made us flip, and the only thing there was Emmanuel. Claudio seemed between annoyed and frightened, and was the first to speak to him.

  • What the hell is wrong with you?

  • Leaving that aside, is that blood yours? -I asked him.

  • Do not.

  • And why did you scream? Hugo asked, causing some embarrassment in the interrogated.

  • I just saw a mouse and I got scared ...

  • Well, you're a man.

  • Do not fuck me!

Abandoned house
After that we went back to the living room. The fire was off, and Hugo suggested that it had been the wind; You looked at his face and you knew that he was equally scared.

I lit the fire again and as soon as the light illuminated the room, he revealed a person with a knife in the kitchen door.

  • Run! -In my order we all moved, but when we approached the exit the ground broke under our feet and we were unconscious.

When we woke up, we were in a kind of basement. I made sure everyone was okay, I questioned where we were and the answer was the same as I imagined: a basement. We verified that the camera was still recording and we got up, exploring our surroundings.

Blood stained the walls, there were knives, machetes, axes and other weapons. There were no stairs anywhere, so they did not know where to go.

I took care of it: I opened my backpack and pulled out an old rope with a hook on one end. I threw her into the hole in the upper floor we had fallen through and climbed one by one, leaving the house and returning to Claudio's residence.

  • I told them it was a bad idea. They almost killed us!

The days passed and with time we were forgetting what happened. One day at school they asked us to make a movie, so we got together at my house and started discussing about it. Suddenly it occurred to me:

  • Hugo, do you still have the video of when we went to the abandoned house?

  • Yes because?

  • We can use it.

  • It's a good idea. - They all assured. We talked a little more and then they left; Hugo had given me his camera to be able to edit the video.

When I was in this on the computer, when I got to the part where we fell into the basement, I focused on the moment when we were unconscious.

After five minutes, I could see how the person with the knife came down and watched us: he wore a hood and his face could not be seen. Red lights were where his eyes should go and in a somewhat guttural voice he said something he did not understand.

For a moment of lucidity, I put the audio in reverse and there I heard it clearly saying:

"This house is mine"