8 Tips to Revitalize Your Marriage & Secrets of a Happy and Long-Lasting Marriage :-)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #howto7 years ago

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Secrets Of Happy And Long-Lasting Marriage – Sound Difficult?

Do you still remember the moment you together with your husband or wife swear in front of the altar that you will be keeping your marriage vows in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, and until death do your part? Good for the two of you if you still keep that scared vows you have made when you were married. Unfortunately, there are couples who happen to be filing divorces for different grounds.

Why there are couples who are making separate ways after they have taken that marriage vows? There are many reasons to mention, but the gravest of all is the loss of love and trust to one another. All the problems are rooted from this reason. How will you trust your partner if you do not love him/her? How will you love your partner if you do not trust him/her? These two questions will lead you to a very serious one, How will I make our marriage happy and long-lasting?

That is not a new question for every couple. Before marriage, they are exactly asking the same question. But this time, it is really serious. Remember that you have sworn before God that you will love and take care of each other until death, or even after death.

As mentioned earlier, the gravest reason of divorcing couples is the lack of love and trust.

So what will you do to maintain or in case lost, return it in your relationship?

First thing to do is to have an open communication. One of the reasons of lack of trust is miscommunication. For instance, there will be an instance where you will not be revealing your problem to your partner even though he or she already noticed it. First thing that will come to his or her mind is that you do not trust her anymore because you are not revealing your problem.

Find ways of opening your communication. Have a talk every night before you sleep. You can confer to your partner experiences of the previous day. Let your partner know that you want him or her to be a part of everything you are experiencing with, most especially on cases when you have problems.

Another is to make sacrifices on some circumstances. It is one of the secrets to have a happy and long-lasting marriage. Both of you should be prepared to put your partners happiness ahead of your own from time to time.

There are instances that small problems become large problems if you will be showing that you are the boss of the relationship. You must learn to give way, after all a happy marriage is allowing your partner to be satisfied with your relationship. For instance, you can volunteer yourself on washing the dishes after dinner. Just see the smile on the face of your wife if you will do such small things for them. In addition, it also shows that you care for your partner.

Always be careful with your finances. If you do not handle your financial situation carefully, it can destroy your marriage. When financial crisis arise, it is important that the two of you should discuss the problem so that you are both aware of the situation you are facing and at the same time finding solutions. Working together on this particular issue will make each other feel that each of you is an integral part of the decision making process.

There are so many variables that affect your marriage. Just remember that love and trust will bind you together. Make each other realize that the two of you must continuously work on all of these aspects to ensure that your marriage will be happy and long-lasting through the rest of your lives.

Do you remember when you used to dream about how wonderful it would be to get married?

Of course, marriage is wonderful…but not all of the time. There will be times when marriage will seem like hard work, and there may even be times when leaving will look like a nice option. Marriage can have it’s ups and downs and a successful mariage is only possible if both parties are prepared to work at it. Love must be nutured if they want to keep it from going stale.

Has your marriage gone stale? Have you stopped spending the time that is necessary to cultivate a relationship that is fulfilling? If this is the case – read on. Here are 8 tips that could help make your marriage go from boring to infinitely fascinating.

1. Forgive

Disagreements are only natural in any relationship. Wherever their are two people living in close proximity there are bound to be times when they disagree. Learning to forgive and not hold grudges is vital if they are to prevent bitterness from seeping in and souring things. People make mistakes and do stupid things. We need to be quick to say sorry, and quick to forgive. Married couples must never harbor grudges. Besides, harbouring grudges solves nothing.

2.Be respectful and honesty with one another

Don’t take one another for granted. Learn to say thank you. Express your appreciation for the things your spouse does for you. Tell the truth. If there is a problem talk about it, don’t bottle it up. Couples who face their problems and talk things through are the ones that are most likely to build a strong, loving relationships.

3. Remember to laugh often

The daily grind of life can make everything seem like a chore. A married couple should take time to share jokes and other crazy antics to decrease tension. Remember, laughter is healing.

4. Communicate

It may seem obvious, but good communication is the key to a fulfilling relationship. Don’t let things fester. If the wife is feeling upset by something her husband has said or done she should tell him right away, she shouldn’t assume that he will guess what is wrong. What may be obvious to her, may not be obvious to him! Husbands too need to be more forthcoming in sharing what is on their minds. Good communication is vital.

5. Decide together

It is important that couples make joint decisions on things like finances, children’s education and upbringing, delegation of household chores, etc. One must not be superior over the other. If you can’t reach agreement straight away, leave it for a while and come back to it again later. If there is still a stale mate, be prepared to given in to your spouse. Take turns in giving in to one another. Marriage isn’t a competition

6. Don’t forget the simple, small things

Husbands need to remember to compliment their wives. Don’t forget to praise her for a job well done. Buy her flowers. Take her out for a romantic meal. Tell her how beautiful she is. Make her feel like she is your princess. Wives, should also be attentive to their husband’s needs. Enjoy each other’s company. Showing affection one for another is essential.

7. Stay in love

Nurture your love for one another. Enjoy every new discovery and every new day with your spouse.

8. Stay intimate

Intimacy is only able to grow in a marriage where their is a strong commitment to one another. Learn to be honest with one another about what turns you on and what turns you off. The sexual side of marriage needn’t wane. Greater knowledge of your spouse and deeper affection, should make love making a celebration of your life together. Make time to be intimate.

Being married is not always easy. Especially in our society where so many marriages fail. But as long as both partners know that they have each other to hold on to, it should be a rewarding relationship. Be there for each other, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and til death do us part.

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