#32 Humans Of Steemit : @guyfawkes4-20 (An Epic Blogger And Mega Pro-Active Good Steemian)


Yes, ladies and gents of the Planet Steem,
this post is all about @guyfawkes4-20

We met because we are both @ocd curators!

I think Guy is GREAT!

And if you haven't read his stuff or know him, you are going to get to know him now!



Who are you? Tell us anything and everything you’d like us to know about you!

Ironically, even if it’s the first question I answered it at the end because it’s the hardest. Well, I’m just guy, a bloke from Romania in the pursuit of freedom through untraditional methods while being honest and weird. I think that covers it well; I’m just a dumbfuck.

What makes your heart smile?

Anything that’s beautiful, from humans (not necessary physical) to music or even designs, that’s why I like to keep my blog posts as good looking as I can.

How did you get onto Steemit?

I stumbled upon a clip from @JeffBerwick on youtube, at first it seemed too good to be true, but I gave it a shot and opened up an account that Friday night out of curiosity. This is how I end up with this username, it was meant to be only to try it out, but after my introduction post went to $20 it was too late to change it, I was hooked.

Where do you want to die?

I don’t think it would matter but somewhere hot, exotic because I hate cold weather.

When’s the last time you cried?

Hmm, I’m not sure, but it might have been when I got a punch in my balls a few months ago.

What’s something you DON’T like about all this new technology?

Funny fact, I was finishing a post about technology just before answering these questions. The thing I hate the most about tech is that people abuse it, never being really disconnected, forgetting to live the real life.

What’s the best advice you have ever gotten?

I got a lot of advice from different people, but the best I think was to protect my time as best as I can. There were also some memorable ones like “Fuck normal before normal fucks you” or a gem I stumbled upon in a cartoon a while ago “To live is to risk it all”.

If there was something you could un-do, what would it be?

Probably there were a few things, but I wouldn’t dare to un-do them because that may change the way my life evolved and I love the type of person I am and where I am right now.

Imagine that you magically have the ability to keep being alive without sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

I am now spending all of my spare time on Steem so I would probably take that extra time to improve myself because since joining here I didn’t have that much time for constant improvement and reading anymore, I used to spend most of my spare time on that before but I don’t regret it even a bit.

What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?

I really don’t know, I’m always doing and saying stupid things, and so far everything went pretty smooth.

What makes your belly ache with laughter?

Funny cats on the internet, haha. Probably people in general, I always like to make some jokes with lovely humans, life feels better with a smile on your face.

Tell us about 1 significant event in your life that really made you who you are.

About two years ago I stumbled upon a video about storytelling, that’s when I met my mentor and from there on everything got better and better. I tremendously improved myself, and when I got on Steem, I had the right mentality and work ethic thanks to that mentor. I firmly believe if I wouldn’t have found that guy, now I would’ve been a shitty person, with no success on Steem.

What would be the scariest monster you could imagine?

Someone incompetent but with power.

What does Steemit mean for you?

Besides a way of making some bucks and getting the life, I desire (it worked out amazingly so far), a modality for me to share my thoughts while engaging with amazing people.

What would you like your last meal to be?

Something that will make me live forever, just kidding, I think death is great, probably something Italian like pasta or pizza.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

I wouldn’t change it, I dig it a lot, but I also like to be called Guy so that may be an option.

Which person inspires you the most and why do they inspire you?

There’s no particular person, but I usually get inspired by the people that started from nothing and made it big, instead of complaining they surpassed their limitations.

Describe your ideal life.

One apartment, one laptop, some green tea maybe some booze too and all the free time in the world to do my thing, to live life on my own terms and I’m almost there, like a few months away. That would be an option, but I would also like to travel so maybe I’ll mix them up somehow.

Have you ever saved someone’s life?

Not that I know of, I mean there were some suicidal girls in my past, but I am not sure. I hope that my articles are life-saving enough.

What do other people think is weird about you?

I am very loud, and I’m always talking random shit. I often can’t even remember what I said; it’s not like amnesia just that I say everything I think and I think everything I say.

What do you think is one of the best things about you?

I’m mostly honest, speaking my mind freely in a world of fake people.

If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?

Well, I already have a flag but it’s not really mine, it’s the anarchy flag.


If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?

Bitcoin at one million, Steem at one thousand and SBD at one hundred. :D

What do you think about when you’re by yourself?

Steem and life in general.

What would you want to be written on your tombstone?

To live is to risk it all.

Who is the person you trust most?


What’s your favorite word?

Fuck, I feel like it expresses a lot. I like to use swear words in my articles because they are against everything politically correct and fake people stand for.

If you had 25 minutes to do anything you wanted without external consequences what would you do?

Burning the house of parliament, just kidding, that’s not the type of Anarchy I’m promoting. Probably nothing particular, I’m already doing most things I want.

Who is your fave (or one of your favorite) Steemians and why?

I have a lot of favorite Steemians, like @whatamidoing who’s the first friend I made here and we’re still talking ever since, or @macchiata who I met through the Be Awesome community and I’m talking with very regularly. There’s also @anomadsoul who I met through OCD a long time ago when we were making nothing on Steem or @Acidyo who I would love to know more about, but I always enjoy our interactions on the chat.
I could mention so many other peeps, like the whole OCD team or the SPL community lead by @Tuck-Fheman or @voronoi and @hansikhouse, the creators of @Sndbox or some members from @Sndbox but I could probably write a full post about my favorite Steemians, that’s how many I have.
I love them all, the mentions are in the order I met those people.

If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Probably they would think I got arrested for selling my bitcoins, haha.

When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?

Damn! This fresh haircut is looking great, lol. I just went to my hairstylist two days ago.

What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

People are paying six figures only so they can waste a few more years, while learning nothing when they could learn almost anything by making a simple Google search, for free.

What is your nickname?


As a Human Of Steemit, how do you contribute to Steemit?

So far, I only contributed by helping some great Steemians with OCD nominations and engaging with the community through comments or discord, and of course, posting what I consider as being valuable content but this is only the beginning. I’m planning on starting a Steem promotional campaign, so make sure to stay tuned in for that.

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing

This is Guy at a 5th of November riot!

Oh @guyfawkes4-20, I absolutely loved reading your interview.

I think it's really amazing what you are doing with promo romania.

You are such a good dude and I am happy to call you my Steemit friend!
Here's to meeting up this year somewhere on the planet.

Thank you for showing us a part of your anarchist soul.
Thank you for being so damn funny and honest.
Thank you for participating on Humans Of Steemit!

Go follow @guyfawkes4-20 and read his shiz.
He is a damn good writer!

If you want to be featured on Humans of Steemit to combat the botty world online and to show your heart, get in touch with me!
@ashleykalila on steemit.chat and Discord.
Or send me an e-mail : [email protected]

If you want to support Humans of Steemit, please hit follow on this blog, upvote this post and if you really LOVE it, resteem it!
(But really only do that if you REALLY REALLY want to! I believe in a life where we only do what we want to do!)

Humans Of Steemit believes in You.
And so do I!

I had help with editing by the lovely @deadsparrow. He is a good dude.
You should go talk to him.

BIG love,


@ashleykalila is my blog just in case you'd be interested to see what I write about!

Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


What an awesome interview and thanks for sharing. I learned a little something new about my fellow OCD curator.

I’m not sure, but it might have been when I got a punch in my balls a few months ago.

This made me laugh. That makes me cry everytime as well ><

This dude, oh Guy always come through.

The more you read from or about him, the more you love to read from him.

Keep on fucking steeming Guy.

Thank you @ashleykalila for this, it was an interesting experience. I enjoyed answering the questions a lot even if some were tough. Good luck with the project, I hope you'll bring more amazing interviews. :D

Nice to get to know you. X

I already follow @guyfawkes4-20 and he really is such an amazing dude. Definitely one of my favorite steemian and now having just learnt more about him I even like him more!

Oh and fuck is the greatest expletive ever! Keep on forking Steeming!

People Abuse technology because it offers anonymity. If this feature is removed then no one will abuse it. But then the problem of privacy comes in. I think this problem of abuse is here to stay.

Even if you think of burning the parliament in dreams, the government will come after for sure.

When you get arrested they will definitely be having a chat that they tried to warn you about bitcoin, about how it is illegal currency and like how it is used by criminals and all.

My ideal life is when i have people around me. I like a busy life with family and friends around me. I always like to talk and engage with people in real life.

I. Love. This. Post! @guyfawkes4-20, you're awesome! @humansofsteemit, thank you for doing this interview! Every answer intrigued me, or made me laugh, or made me think and nod my head. I also have this thing where I open my mouth and the truth comes out, and I try to make it kind, but I just say what I think. Surprises some people. Offends some (I hate that, but I gotta be me, yo!) Anyway, I so enjoyed this. Huzzah! Thank you for introducing me to fantastic Steemians! :)