Evolution vs Rastafari

in #humorlast month

I normally RECOMMEND Christianity for any who WANT a recommendation for a religion. Nonetheless you have to recognize that there are a great many others who simply need something better than evolutionism, and who for one or more of a variety reasons simply cannot stand Christianity.

Fortunately for those people, finding something (aside from Christianity) which is better than evolution is not overly difficult...

I normally [color=#FF0000][b]RECOMMEND[/b][/color] Christianity for any who WANT a recommendation for a religion. Nonetheless you have to recognize that there are a great many others who simply need something better than evolutionism, and who for one or more of a variety reasons simply cannot stand Christianity.

Fortunately for those people, finding something (aside from Christianity) which is better than evolution is not overly difficult...


Rastafari in fact has a distinct advantage over other religions in that it offers an apples/apples comparison with evolution, that it, it amounts to a religion which operates on an intellectual level similar to that of evolution.

Granted the theological basis of Rastafari is a bunch of bullshit; nonetheless it has distinct advantages over evolution. Rastafari does not involve any sort of a trans-finite sequence of zero-probability events or probabilistic miracles as does evolution. Moreover, Rastafari does not preach the idea of your neighbor being a meat byproduct of stochastic processes; nobody ever fought a world war over Rastafari or any sort of a doctrine based on Rastafari.

![image.png](UPLOAD FAILED)

Aside from theological problems, Rastafari is not at war with modern mathematics as is evolution;

and there is this: If Rastafari were to be brought into the public schools, it would fit admirably into certain kinds of team teaching situations. In other words, a biology teacher looking for a way to put 25 teenagers into the right frame of mind for indoctrination into something as stupid as evoloserism/evolution could simply walk across the hall to the Rasta class for a box of spliffs...



Rastafari in fact has a distinct advantage over other religions in that it offers an apples/apples comparison with evolution, that it, it amounts to a religion which operates on an intellectual level similar to that of evolution.


Granted the theological basis of Rastafari is a bunch of bullshit; nonetheless it has distinct advantages over evolution. Rastafari does not involve any sort of a trans-finite sequence of zero-probability events or probabilistic miracles as does evolution. Moreover, Rastafari does not preach the idea of your neighbor being a meat byproduct of stochastic processes; nobody ever fought a world war over Rastafari or any sort of a doctrine based on Rastafari.


Aside from theological problems, Rastafari is not at war with modern mathematics as is evolution;


and there is this: If Rastafari were to be brought into the public schools, it would fit admirably into certain kinds of team teaching situations. In other words, a biology teacher looking for a way to put 25 teenagers into the right frame of mind for indoctrination into something as stupid as evoloserism/evolution could simply walk across the hall to the Rasta class for a box of spliffs...
