
He is posting like 10+ posts a day. With the next update we could post as much as we like, but right now we need to stick to the rules. No more than 4 posts a day. I also noticed an abuse of tags. Plus there's that:
I almost never flag, I think flagging is wrong, but I did flag this post. Maybe he will start acting like a grown person. Maybe not.

ploomblechip frizida

Read the white paper.

plooboo pup

I'm a jew. I have nothing to do with 9/11.


Enjoy your stay on Steemit. It will not last long.

farts are science desu

This may depend how it is presented, as anything, IMO. Is the mocking tone necessary (this is how I interpret the 'desu')?

Normie reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee