Stupid Questions 340

in #humor5 months ago

Canadian actress/singer Keara Graves and “Vorarephilia” are not really mentioned all that much in this specific edition of the series. Still nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, guys and dolls!

"Do You Love Me?"

Someone named "I luv cookies" asked this question on a health website: “are you still considered a virgin if you have anal sex?” (Wouldn’t the answer to this question depend on whether or not you were a boy or a girl?)

A stitch in time saves nine what?

Why do women say "nothing" when they obviously mean "something"? Is this a throwback to the days when "no" really meant "yes"? How many humorless women did I just offend with the above question?

What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not get? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)

Why do some people call a zipper a "fly"? What part is supposed to take flight anyway?

How many of you people STILL need to be told to silence your phone in a movie theatre?

Why is it that if you enjoy frilly undies and the female form then you’re a pervert BUT if you DON’T then you’re gay?

"Who Wants to Be Lonely?"

Do steam rollers really roll steam?

Would you ever miss it if I forgot to post anything about lesbians?

Why is it that when I’m proud of my achievements that I’m full of myself BUT if I’m not concerned about achievements then I lack ambition?

Does anyone miss the foot fetish material when it is not included?

Did you know John Mayer hates black vaginas?

s522659629290463841_p1460_i1_w500.jpegDid anyone know that the band Kiss sells Kiss “Kondoms”? Does anyone use them? Do they make them large enough for me?

"Is That You?"

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)