Pre-Hurricane Surf Is On - Waiting For 'Leslie' To Hit The Canaries!! 🌪️ [Video Evidence Inside]

in #hurricane6 years ago (edited)

All good things are wild and free. - Henry David Thoreau

You can tell, Henry!

For the first time ever in history there's a high probability of a hurricane to hit Canary Islands in a couple of days.

Reason enough for me to surf the incoming forerunners of Leslie and make plans for the big impact.

@surfermarly on a backhander today


What a lovely name, but the first impression is deceptive.

If Hurricane Leslie decided to turn towards Canaries on Thursday morning, then we'd need to get prepared for something big.

Honestly, as long as the experts are not completely sure about the direction the storm's gonna take, I wouldn't care too much.

I'd describe the current mood among the local surfers as a joyful expectation...

Today I was even invited to come surf the hurricane swell on Saturday. What a sweet idea! 😅

No mom, I'm just kidding!!!
(looks at her phone waiting for mom's call to come in...)

Jokes aside, here's how the current situation does look like:

If Leslie turned a bit later towards the East than currently forecasted by the National Hurricane Center, it would definitely pass over Canary Islands (archipelago below the text 8 AM Sun in the graphic).

No matter if it's gonna hit us or not, we'll notice the impact anyways.


Surfers, get your gear ready!

Today we had basically no other topic in the water than the approaching tropical storm.

It's gonna be interesting to see how the Ocean will behave starting from Thursday/Friday.

The waves are definitely gonna be massive, and I promise to film them for you (from the beach).

Current mood: excited.

Fasten your seatbelts, here's my pre-hurricane-surf-video for you!

I hope you enjoyed the party!

Stay tuned for the next sessions which are supposed to be WILD.

Oh, and @paxsurf: give me a sign that you're okay!! 😄

Much love,
Marly -

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: All my blog posts are created and submitted via eSteem Surfer 1.1.12 - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information.

Original content.


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Now that's cool! Are you guys gonna attend Steemfest? Would be nice to talk about the project with you :-)

I hope you get some great waves! We have a hurricane here in Florida to!

Yeah I know... You guys have been suffering a lot lately.
Honestly I hope that Leslie will turn towards the North and we'll just come to know some of its branches... Not sure if many of the houses built on the Canaries would survive such a heavy storm though.

Again, it was wonder some, enjoyed the prehurricane surf. Looking forward to shots of Thursday/Friday...

Woooah, you did it again!! Thanks a lot for the appreciator sponsorship, you're crazy and I like that - haha :-) Have a nice week, and of course I'll be reporting from the coastline these days.

be careful and prepared! have fun!!
being raised in SF, Ca I get the thrill. the penis storm is acomminnn litrallyyy 😛

Hahaha, yeah it's a large one actually and size matters after all 🤣

Hahahahah, oh damn now I feel the muscle soreness from our yesterdays laugh attacks :-D

yayyyyy more laughs and we sure had a good time too!!

Now you may believe I photoshopped this one, but noooo!!! :-D
It's for realzzz


bahahahah omg this is awesome and everyone got after me for saying a penis storm ahahhaha


You are right.

My friend just said you own the bear. I want that bear!

Hahaha, yip - they were wrong and you were right!! :-D

ahha too funny !! love my marrlzzz

OK, my goofy foot friend, thanks for sharing some nice waves!

I can't wait to hear how the surf looks Saturday, and if you go out.

My cousin surfed a hurricane swell off the north shore of St. Croix when he was a teen (long ago... back in the 1960s?) and had some amazing stories to tell.

Marly, I have a request: Sometime when you surf, could you hook up the camera on a helmet or around your neck and give us a view forward of what you are seeing when you ride the waves? ;)

Hang loose!



Oh wow, I have deep respect for people are brave enough to paddle out on such days.

Great idea to install the cam somewhere else, I'm going to try that during my next session, which is supposedly going to take place tomorrow :-) The hurricane is forward towards the North now, and if it turned around again, it'd hit us on Sunday/Monday. So I am still able to paddle out in the meantime...

Enjoy your day!!

You've made the Steemit Minute for today! Congrats!

Check out the Video Here:

Oh, sweet! Thanks a lot for including me, I highly appreciate it :-)

I'll comment directly on the video since I want to respond to your question regarding DTube.

Enjoy the surf and stay safe. 🏄🌊🤙

Thank you!!! I do :-))

wow I´ve never surfed when there was a Hurricane. Would love to see some pics of the waves then.

Stay save!!

Don't know if I will want to get that close to the coast when the forerunners arrive, but we'll see...:-)
Safety first!! Hehe

I think you should be prepping your windsurfing board.

Looking at the trajectory, you'll be in Casablanca in no time.

Stay Safe

Thank you!!!
I don't think I'd want to come close to the coastline at that point in time...:-)

Qué bien te lo pasas, no me quiero imaginar el revuelo que debe haber allá, no he visto el noticiero hoy pero si llegara a pasar, que espero que no, sé que se hablará por días sobre esta noticia.

Me encanta poder comunicarme contigo en español.

¡Eres un encanto!

Jeje, muchas gracias Liz! A mí también me gusta hablar en español.

Ya es gran noticia en las islas, porque jamás un huracán ha llegado así de cerca al archipiélago. Les mantendré al tanto.

¿Has hecho algún vblog en español? Me encantaría que algún día hicieras un vblog en español, a ver si nos complaces a tus seguidores de habla hispana ; )

Cuídate mucho.

Si, he hecho varios. Este travel vlog es uno de ellos por ejemplo. Pero en mi cuenta de Youtube hay mucho más :-)

¡Qué guay! Tengo que conocerte más, pensé que ibas a tener acento anglosajón, ¡no! el canario te brota por los poros 😂.

Sí, te empecé a seguir ayer por Youtube, cuando tenga tiempo libre los veo.