The Essence of Banking

in #ibc6 years ago (edited)

If you've never seen the movie The International starring Clive Owen and Naomi Watts, then put it on your watchlist. Not only is it suspenseful but the movie also offers rare insight into the banking cabal that runs the world. Watch the short clip above to learn about the essence of banking.

Banks control the money in almost every government around the world. Here in the United States we call it the Federal Reserve but it's as federal as Federal Express. The Federal Reserve is the banker's bank and it answers to no one. They are unelected bureacrats and bankers who determine the price of money (by setting interest rates) and the supply of money by expanding or tightening bank reserves. It's somewhat complicated and pretty much all entirely done behind closed doors.

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815

Ever wonder why your money buys less and less each year? It's the Federal Reserve and it's actually the 3rd central bank in the history of the United States. The first two central banks were shut down and amazingly there was no internet to share the truth about banking. We have no excuse today as the all info about how the Federal Reserve is available at our fingertips.

In my financial practice I teach individuals and familiy how to create their own family banking system instead of relying on the fractional reserve banking system. It's called Infinite Banking and we only use financial institutions that by law require 100% solvency at all times so it's ultra-safe and also ultra-liquid. In fact, banks park up to 25% of their tier 1 assets in the same place! (Banks don't buy mutual funds or CD's!)

Fractional reserve banking allow banks to keep less than 10% reserves of the money they hold on deposit, and most banks keep far less than that which means they are leveraged to the hilt. Because of the fractional reserve banking traditional banks have the ability to create money out of thin air (this has been legalized by cronies in D.C.) and use this newly created money to lend it to you at interest. Great business plan, right?

The average person has no idea that our dollars are created from debt. Pull out any dollar bill. At the top it says Federal Reserve Note. A note is an IOU just like the mortgage note you signed when you obtained a mortgage to finance real estate property. Where did the money for that mortgage come from? Banks created it from thin air! It didn't actually exist until you made the promise to pay the note with an exorbitant amount of interest to the bank. By controlling the debt of the mortgage, the bank now controls you.

Federal Reserve Note.PNG

Fiat dollars are created into existence in a similar way. Dollars are IOU's backed by taxpayers (no coincidence the IRS was also created in 1913!) in order to pay for an ever expanding central government, finance wars abroad, and entitlement programs at home. And when politicians can't collect enough in taxes to pay for all these programs, they borrow newly created money which causes inflation driving the value of your paycheck lower each year.

Inflation is the silent tax because it happens without you knowing and the change is usually small enough that it won't cause a riot, but it is the most insidious type of tax because even the poor must pay this invisible tax and sadly it hits those with low and fixed incomes the hardest.

Money as debt makes it all possible and the bankers get rich from it. It's on purpose to enslave our country into permanent debt while enriching banks the world over.

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” -Woodrow Wilson

Enjoy the movie clip, keep learning about how money works, and if you're moved to learn more about the history of money, I recommend ordering a copy of the book The Creature From Jekyll Island. You'll be blown away that the events are actually real and Americans have been conned out of controlling their money by bankers and politicians since 1913.

And if you would like to learn about Infinite Banking to eliminate traditional banks from your life, visit

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