🔥 TOP 5 ICOs for Feb 2018 🖐

in #ico7 years ago

Hi it's BakiIB today is Saturday the 03th of Februari 2018 so I'm gonna get onto my top five ICO:s I've asked people on Twitter their opinions and I've done my research find interesting icos out there at the moment that can give you those wonderful Bitcoin multipliers so I've narrowed it down to about five technically there's six okay I'll go on to that in a second there's one that I can't really mention because you can't do kyc yet but I'll give it a soft mention at the beginning but let's just quickly have a look at the markets the yellow market caps down by about fifty billion again down to about five hundred and eight billion so fairly normal in a ten percent swing I'd say I don't think it's a crash or a dip really it's something that we've come come' used to like I said the other day until we start seeing those double-digit greens for two or three days we're not going to be in an emerging bull market and up but I do think that it is going to pick up in February and I've got a few tips as well for you and I think you might find interesting and something you might want to do your own research on but just my opinion really I wouldn't shouldn't shouldn't really say tip so well in the news 50 cent just found eight million dollars worth of Bitcoin that he forgot he has Wow nice cheers mate yeah because he really needs the money but yeah good good for you good for you bastard but anyway swiftly moving on um now saw an article on Forbes in talk this is this is come out today um what came out yesterday sorry saying will the bit the price of Bitcoin keep dropping now whilst the I'm not going to bother looking at the article too much because it's a bit of a fluff article so art to me I think this is manipulated paid fudge okay I saw a quite a compelling argument to say how media outlets can be bribes to help keep the the price of Bitcoin subdued and that this is a real fluff article there's no substance - it's just like well Bitcoin could go up Bitcoin could go down what the is that they're little forbs it's just meaningless fat so yeah so there's lots of buying opportunities so before it got to my icy eyes let me just quickly tell you what I personally I'm loading up on because I can see that they aren't going to go fairly big in January so I'm going to start off with the coin have not covered before and I bought in yesterday ray blocks now we know so when I first learned about roadblocks I saw a video so a couple of videos people just going yeah well robot ray blocks is just ray blocks and I'm actually hearing people repeat that so I thought I'd do a bit of digging to find out what it is properly okay so ray blocks rather than using just one blockchain each user has their own blockchain so and it each block is one transaction so you create a transaction on it and that's creating a block and you've got your own blockchain so you end up with a blockchain and then somebody else has a blockchain and then something else does about you we all have our own I'm not changed on ray blocks and they call it the block lattice because if you want to create a transaction on roblox what you've got to do is you've got to after you've created a sense transaction the person you're sending it to has to create a receive transaction so then these lattices then the Crawleys lies in cross forming a lattice so it's a block lattice as they live a block chain they by doing this they don't need miners and they can do it instant and free so they don't have any transaction free so it's a completely different way to how Bitcoin transactions work where they're validated by miners now when I when I was doing my top 5 I cos I came across another idea that I mentioned a few weeks ago and I found this article relating to where's my reddit posts relating to this this particular SEO and rave locks now apparently roadblocks are rebranding to Nano which is a much better name cuz I don't know whether they call it Ryu ops or it sounds so that's good right locks I may yet so sorry Afrikaans yeah so apparently they are thinking about rebranding to nano be a nice name could do wonders for the price and they're partnering as you can see here with Daddy cloud now I did a review on da di a few weeks ago and a lot of people said well hold on they've copied elements of their white paper so I've Tron and there are a top ten coin in the week so I'm not really when we you know Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies all open source some things about to be copied it's not taking me away from wanting to invest in di di and so I definitely will be investing in that and I'll talk about that a little bit more in a moment but with this partnership and the rebrand for roblox I think that this could be quite big for the currency itself for roblox itself let's just have a look at the price it's currently 13 dollars 90 mb/s refreshes cuz I've had it open for a few hours thirteen dollars 20 now the all-time high on roblox was over $35 I think $36 it's all-time high so they're just under a times three for it just to recover to its all-time high bearing in mind right if you look at the exchanges it's on there's a lot of rumors that it's gonna go on to finance it's not yet on finances the big boys don't have this yet so I think that this is one that could potentially snap in February definitely worth loading up at this accumulation price now so if you missed out on it when it was going up earlier on in the month now it's time to get it in the markets just isn't loading up there we go yeah it's on cue coin I haven't heard a bit grail haven't had a great ride basic right BTC starting to hear about market Oxmoor bit flip I've never heard of coin Falcone's I've never heard of so you know once the big boys wants to buy an ounce listing the things like that happen if it does then this could be quite big and we haven't heard any news out of the rail ox camp for much of January since its ball run earlier on in in the month so I think there's something's do and I think there could be a good one to get in them so I got in on that yesterday one I'm in on at the moment which is currently still a winning position but well below its all-time high is substratum now this is another coin that I think will do really well in February now why do I think it will do well in Feb well if you saw I mean our first of all look at the look at the price of subtract him now okay this is the first I want to point out under $1 okay this is absolutely on sale the highest point was three dollars 25 on the 9th of January as I mentioned the other day on my video now that's got a time 3 in it as well now why do I think that it will go up to that and that it wasn't just falsely inflated well look we were in a bull market so people being a lot more liberal with the alt point that they were investing in but substratum I don't think that was the case with them I think that was genuine deserved growth because I said back in December I thought that their marketing geniuses whenever they've got a bit of news they have these kind of freebie giveaways on Twitter and you've got to share like the pays in order to win something and then so you they have this big influx of an extra vlog five six thousand followers on Twitter and then they go wallet with some real big news we haven't had any news from Sabaton this month but really nothing major okay so I think that in February that'll go back to a very high position whether or hit $3 again in jet in February I don't know personally I think it is still well under it's natural price so that's one that I'm like I said it's still a winning position I've been in it's just a winning position by the way I bought in around about 60 70 cents but yeah it's certainly one that I think that if you didn't get into some fatum or or if you bought it's him you've been thinking about selling it I personally wouldn't do that I would hold that it's my one is in my top three model coins which is time to turn into the top two model coins for 2018 I'm gonna brush the third one under the carpet now the other one of my other top 300 coins for the whole of this year is cash I'm not going to talk about cash today I don't need to it's gonna be awesome it's gonna hit $20 so that's all you need to know but the other one that I think is gonna have a massive massive rise in February is Moyne now a covered more in a couple of times it's down to 39 cents it's probably less now 35 cents okay so this is really approaching the bottom now well you've got to understand about Moines is that it isn't an anonymous seam so they don't give any information on their website about who they ah this can always be something that makes you think are they gonna exit I don't think that at all it's a it's a cool it's a cool coin it's a previously coin it's a POS coin so if you shake it in their wallet which you can download from github okay over here if you should take it there you can earn 10% now you might not want to go in very heavy on something like mooring because the team is anonymous but if you look at some of the historical data on this the all-time high on this was I think what $1 46 so there's a times for for this to get back to where it used to be okay so that's a massive multiplier one that if you get it and you stake it and then you're earning an extra 10% this could be the time to do it personally what I'm doing with mine I've taken mine off of crypto pier where I bought it I've stuck it in this taken wallet I'm just gonna leave it there I see this actually rivaling the likes of Zed coin in terms of valuation and Zed coins up there it was at its all-time high over $100 I think we can realistically see more hit 30 to 50 dollars as soon as next month okay now I'm not saying it's gonna hit that's not a prediction okay let me just say it has the potential he's got the mechanics it's got the price it's got the circulating supply it's got everything about it it has the potential to do that whether it will do it in February who knows but it has that times 100 multiplication possibility so I personally like to load up on a little bit of mine when it's down but down on its luck but I'm not gonna lie to you I do sell mine when it goes six hundred seven hundred percent which it keeps doing so this is a nice one to ride okay but in terms of putting a large hold into it me personally I wouldn't go in with like two bitcoins or anything like that I'd keep it small keep it small put in you know a hundred two hundred quid in the hope that it will give you a Bitcoin back I do see that as happen times 100 potential definitely maybe not in February but definitely this year so whilst everything's down okay keep an eye on the ceiling keep it on the floor sorry you know wait for these the stuff is still going down today so keep an eye on it keep in huge when you're going to strike but I think those three particular projects to strong projects like Rye blocks and substratum and then the outside horse you your Moines could potentially just give you that times 100 which gives you that nice feeling and there's nothing better although because it's on Krypto Pia although it mines off the exchange now I can't trade on my phone on crypto Pia because he doesn't resize and the first time Moines went six hundred percent by the time I got home going to the gods on a computer and trying to set it gone down but luckily it kept going back up again it was his monster is a monster so I really like that and the fact is under fifty cents right now steel so right getting on to my top five hotle on top five on coins no not at all like top five i ciose thought february now like i said i've taken to twitter to find out from people what they are most bullish on because at the end of the day the people that are talking about it the most at the moment they're the ones that are probably gonna want to buy it if they can't get in at IC o---- so let's first I'm gonna touch on one that isn't in the top five but it should be that's we power we power you can't do you kyc yet okay I've got anymore sorry I've done like a YC we power is one that I'm definitely trying to get in on I've done a review on we power so I'm not going to cover that today but it should be in the list but it's not because if you're watching this and you want to get in it's too late because it's on sale on February 1st it's most likely to sell out so if you haven't done any kyc have a chat someone that if you've got a friend that has maybe get them to put some meat in it for you but I want to talk about medical chain this is why this is for the first one I want to talk about now this would be this is the number five now this has probably got absolutely because multiplier but the reality is is that medical chain it's going to be very very difficult to buy it because they've already sold the hard caps 24 million they've already done 20 millions worth of sales so there's four million dollars they want to raise when it goes live I cannot see people getting it getting in on this it's just it's it's a good project what they want to do is they want to put where's the website it's come with the white paper they want to put all medical data on the blockchain so that's actually pretty good idea because like like they say on the video if you if you go somewhere and if you go abroad you go on holiday you know that you kind of share your medical records okay you know well they won't have your medical records on tap it's not that easy this is gonna make it all linked in together and it makes sense to use the blockchain good idea it's not just that as well I'll show you quickly the video is pretty cool if you want to try and get it on this okay do try but be aware that it is going to sell out very very fast so just quickly play the video is pretty awesome in our world today with the technology available could healthcare be better today doctors nurses and health professionals are limited in the level of care that can provide this is due to the inability to view your complete and accurate health record at medical chain we believe that by putting patients at the heart of health care we can't really improve people's life with medical chain you have full access and control over your own personal health data users are able to grant doctors immediate access to their health record via their mobile device medical chain keeps electronic health records safe and secure using blockchain technology the blockchain layer of medical chain posts limited non personal information this information acts as a pointer directing the system to your encrypted health record encrypted records are held within hospitals universities and nonprofit organizations regulated to handle sensitive data only your authorization can unlock your health record and allow it to be viewed on the mobile interface but medical chain is much more than a way to view patient electronic health records services such as telemedicine consultations are available with medical chain your doctor can check your progress with access to your medical history wearables ensure that doctors can access life-saving information when managing vulnerable or unconscious patients medical chain provides peace of mind you can feel safe knowing your health data is accessible to you and your doctor when it matters most we are transforming healthcare with health professionals patients and technology specialists from around the world we hope you too will join medical chain in building the healthcare of tomorrow today now that is a awesome idea the concept is just brilliant you know really is it's actually does make you wonder why something like this isn't already out so that for that very reason I think this is gonna go massive now like I said they've already sold if you go to if I go to I see I don't just get this page up quickly if I go to ICO drops and show you this this is a little bit of a concern for me sorry for so many windows open might this is my only concern is that they've 83% it's been sold out in the tech the main token sale doesn't start until the 1st of February now what really concerns me here is that they've obviously sold a lot of tokens of presale and that the main price is at 25 cents now I don't know what the pre sale price is let me just see if I can quickly find that on on the ice on the on the white paper but what concerns me is that there has been a load of very cheap tokens sold already so when you when there's a very very massive presale so people like in the loop they can tend to buy a much lower price now if that's the case now I don't think that is the case because I've spoken to this dr. Abdullah over email and he's very fair you know he's uh he wouldn't pay me in the bastard but now he seems like a very fair guy but I don't know whether the presale is gonna cause a lot of people that got in it a fraction you know I could scent or anything like that if that is the case this will get dumped to at ICO and even if it's got a mental multiplier people that got in a lot lower than 25 cents they're gonna get wrecked initially because people are gonna dump that there that 83% are gonna dump and they're gonna buy the dip so that's my only concern with medical chain but I think it's a phenomenal idea and it will do very very well this year so if you want to get in on this on ico is 25 cents on February 1st I think at 10 o'clock in the morning that's when you've got to be there to get hold of the tokens but like I said if you miss out there could be a dumping I'm not saying they're well but I've seen it before we've really great projects where people have dumped soon as it's gone out I see oh and the price is just on the floor and sometimes it's really hard to recover from that so we case important more than my yesterday oh yeah case in point that singularity net that got dumped ice after ICO hard you don't know what people got in that you know if there's an inside loop you never know but they certainly a very very strong project really great vision that's something that I would definitely say is one of the best ideas coming up in February bar none so next I want to talk about farmer trust now farmer trust this is coming out in that you can register for the launch in around just over 2 or 3 weeks nearly so this will probably sell out in February as well what is farmer trust it's some very similar to that of a combination of modem and V chain so they're trying to combat the problem of counterfeit drugs making sure that counterfeit over-the-counter prescription drugs aren't a thing and eliminating it by using immutable data and they've got a similar kind of tracking thing going on that that modem are using I do like this idea I think that these supply chain ico ideas they're very very they do very very well there is there's quite a few coming up there's one called sinc fab in the manufacturing industry that's also a supply j i ns ecosystem that went x 5i co that was a supply chain so these supply chain things are very very good at v-- chain just look at how good v change doing so I'm not going to go into all of the all of them some want to keep the videos short as possible not going to go into all the details of farmer trusts all the other ones actually I just wanted to give you guys an overview of the ones to do you research because I think they're gonna be very strong and there's a lot of positive public opinion about the ones I'm talking about next up I want to talk about marks space now this is pretty awesome this one basically what this is it's a they're creating a digital VR world okay so you can have companies like what companies can have their own shops for example they think the show like a land rover shopping in one of the videos and if you back it I see oh you can have your own digital property within mark space and basically it's just you know you can go out into the real world you know well the virtual world and you can go about your business you know it will change Commerce massively now this is really good because it not not to mention just it's not aimed at people that are necessarily lazy it is the future I mean at the moment look we're gonna start thinking that flicking through on your Amazon app okay you're gonna start thinking than that is actually quite archaic when when if this if this thing takes off because why would you just want to look at pictures you know and you're pinching and zooming on a tiny screen when you can immerse yourself in the world go to the Land Rover dealership go to the I don't know don't the sex job go to all these cool places and do your shopping virtually you know and they divided it into they've thought about all the major districts as well we'll just click on the districts tap so they're gonna have a community district the residential district shopping district business district and an education district I think that was it yeah so there's all these elements okay so it could revolutionize interactive learning from home I mean if you it would be brilliant for learning a language I think I think you know if you could have I live in Spain in like one of the biggest problems that I've got is that I didn't really immerse myself in in Spanish culture and it's really very hard to now after being here eight years I'm finding it hard to learn the language or to to be fluent in the language I could imagine immersing yourself VR in a VR world forcing yourself to have these these conversations in a different language if they could do something like that with marks face it great wouldn't it because you wouldn't have that embarrassment factor of the people cause are you going red for a start with if you think you it up and I just really like that idea I think that mark space really awesome vism revision massive supply though there's a three billion supplied there's only a bad thing the token itself the price of the token is around about eight cents now because it's in round two get in on mark space links are all below by the way this this has got a awesome future vision so what does the other want to talk about well that was it I wanted to talk about hero token okay this is pretty cool hero token is looking at changing the way well they've identified a problem basically in Southeast Asia that the fact that very few people have banks therefore they have a zero credit rating therefore it's that kind of like frowned upon you know they they people in Southeast Asia struggle with day-to-day banking because of this issue they're looking at revolutionising this with the hero token again I'm going to show you the video on this they're going to show you some other information about it Southeast Asia is the world's fastest-growing Internet region yet only 27% of the Southeast Asian population has a bank account the other 73% are considered unbanked or underbanked the average Southeast Asian doesn't have a bank account nor a credit card so their credit score is basically non-existent for most banking institutions they will not be eligible for a loan but their ability to pay shouldn't be measured by the financial systems floored credit score regardless of the person's capacity and integrity that's why we introduce here the future of banking in Southeast Asia we have a network of over 100,000 partners and vendors to provide convenient cash in cash out options the mainstream consumers can easily understand and trust we have a strong management team we are 100 percent legally and technically compliant a proven track record in Southeast Asia and some of the world's best investors working with us back in 2015 we launched the first fully licensed online pawn shop in Southeast Asia award-winning pool hero essentially turns mobile phones into pawn shops we were able to reduce interest rates by more than one half by leveraging cutting-edge algorithms to provide access to cheaper credit imagine a future where the unbanked and underbanked will become increasingly enfranchised hero is more than just a token it's a technology poised to disrupt the lending industry and help those who are in need thus making loans more accessible and more affordable for everyone because credit is the foundation that allows people to be entrepreneurs and participate in wealth creation all of this could be made possible with hero the future of banking in Southeast Asia [Music] so as you see with the hero token they have like a hundred thousand part strategic partnerships already in place now what are those partnerships what do they mean exactly well in order to understand that you kind of need to have a look at the white paper now before I get onto the white paper if you scroll down what you'll see is on the frequently asked questions it says here they talked about the hero capital market platform okay so this is the thing that's quite important the hero market capital platform is essentially where they are these these hundred thousand partnerships these places he dedicated his centers where people can convert their token to fear and so forth now it also says here something about the hero origin token and what's that well if you back this out I see yo you get some special or you get if you have at least 200 tokens which you get for one-eighth you get kind of like this special privilege where you can almost earn interest in ways not like POS it's done slightly different so I head over to the white paper so you just see it a bit more but if you're just to scroll up a little white paper open twice to to find the right the right something like that so here go here we go so first of all the hero origin token now says it holders of the hero origin of 200 hero origin tokens will be provided with the following perpetual benefit which will not be made to future hero member token holders so there's a there's a store of value here is worth if you back this at ICO don't dump it now this is a clever idea because these extra benefits where people can earn from holding what they've purchased at ICO represents an intrinsic value which means that the price should continually grow as opposed to being dumped which is the problem that I've identified potentially with medical change straight after Ric oh now I'm not saying the medical train will be dumped and I'm not saying that hero token won't be dumped but they've at least got this something there where only ICO backer coins will give you this particular benefit so it says here you get perpetual ship to the hero capital market platform we'll come to that in a second preferential access to opportunities to provide credit and equity financing to individuals and businesses in emerging market and earn risk adjusted market returns it also says hey hero origin token holders will be given pro rata to be given pro rata right of first offering on funding opportunities on the hero capital market platform now well you need to understand about hero mind my understanding of this is that this is kind of like a bank ok this is kind of like a revolution in banking really and by being that it's not just about people that don't have bank accounts about people that could be it's about funding entrepreneurs it's about you know giving people that don't have banks that that opportunity and Southeast Asia is booming really it's absolutely incredible that nearly 70% of people there don't have banks I mean hell I mean it's a really really smart play about these guys now but just scroll down oh yeah sorry and here it says here here are is in tokens versus here at member tokens once the hero capital market platform has been launched the foundation provided the foundation provided it has been established will offer a new class of tokens which is the hero member tokens for access to the hero capital market platform demand the company has not yet defined the amount of hero member tokens that will be issued now I don't know whether at some point that means that there will be like a coin swap between hero origin tokens and he remembered tokens I'm not sure how they will quite define who backed it are ico and who wouldn't I'm interested to see that and I'm injured to see how that will work now to understand the legacy capital market platform you got to understand who is involved in it and what it's made up off so this is this is very very Bank like okay so you've got your borrowers so this is the main people that is aimed at helping that's fairly self-explanatory then you're the hero so this is the pit the holders of the origin token so these are the people that are required and cross the hero mark capital market platform that the 200 tokens as mentioned before upon their discretion it says here and select heroes provide digital and/or fiat currency funding to specifically selective borrowers through the hero capital market platform so it's almost like a lending platform in that respect so once again we've seen how company in a project or things in the space like in salt lending for example was it completely different but you know we know that there is a value in this whole lending with crypto what's the word I'm looking for space I suppose so that element is quite good I'd love to see how they're going to evaluate who they will borrow to but this is all this is all stuff that you know these are questions that you do have to do your own research it looks very promising though you've got here as well the the originators these are people who are responsible for accrediting the borrowers so okay well there you go then so so to do that it says here they would have to procure from the borrower necessary information in able to borrow toku issuance between the platform so kind of the rest' the originators I guess are replacing that of credit score's so they said in the video at the moment you know you they essentially don't have a credit score even if they're willing and have you know that they had the means to repay in the willingness to repay and they're gonna start doing it evaluating it on their own hence the need to have a non zero in the first place so this isn't like this isn't a project that I would have any qualms investing in it so I think it's a really good one so I'm running a bit short on time I want to keep the video under half an hour they're just going over to the the hero capital market platform so it says in the payment providers these are the people responsible for converting digital currency into fiat or into and from Fiat so when they mentioned a hundred thousand partnerships I think that's the part that they were referring to so it's already have that many people lined up for it in these centers whether people can do that very very very encouraging stuff I wouldn't have any problem and I would assume that there would most likely you just use the porn hero sites I'm issue I would it to me it would make sense that our one successful business going off the back of the other would completely so then you've got the legal counsel these are people are going to provide the opinions and loan documentation from each borrower very much like a bank I love this vultures or bad bad debt collectors so there's going to be specialists accredited by their foundation that will evaluate but that within within the ecosystem and it says here that then they're what implement collection process consistent with and they see a consistent with the applicable local law now once again I don't know anything about the law in Southeast Asia so to read that I can't say oh yeah it's great they're a little bit lost I don't know how though I don't know how they will do that but if you look at the team that's involved as a German is a chief executive David I forget his surname but just go through the team these guys have got a lot of white behind them they've got they've got a good idea do you not I mean where's the team tab show it I've got so many times I thought I know today I'll do what top five top five I SEOs that's a great idea that'll be easy I blast through that in no time here we go so we've got that Derek Morgan Dorf so he's the co-founder of porn hero which is incredibly successful in Southeast Asia porn shops as well you know in Southeast Asia are very important and very important because that's the only form of lending collateral that people can realize over there so those are all 70% of people over there that's just that's how they realize money which is it pretty you know instead of lending like traditional going to the bank and getting loans very very smart play we've got this guy here former managing director of Goldman Sachs and Barclays good people strong people very very strong people Ricky feeel advisor from BCG blockchain fund and we trust go here from the format ejector a beauty credit bank I think that's who bit panda use I know the name unicredit huge people huge people john Balian or baylin's or a co-founder Satoshi Citadel Industries Paul Riviera CEO of candy buddies are really really big people credible people there's a lot of there's a lot of very very bullish things within the thoth hero token and I don't know a website and white paper I don't know why no one's talking about this particular ICO it's it's like when you when you sit there and read you think this is gonna be massive because if you think of just how how emerging the Southeast Asian market is as well with imagine the entry points to crypto property we know how many we know what how much they that part of the world loves investing in crypto now all of a sudden you start creating liquidity and you create an entrepreneur's there and all of this sort of stuff they're gonna have they're gonna thank their success to a crypto currency based blockchain applicational blockchain project they're gonna be just this whole new massive market of people buying and buying the bank it's gonna push the markets up so I think hero choken is a really clever one and definitely one that I'm going to be getting in on ICO my last one which to be fair I I wouldn't say it's my my number one project don't really it's hard to actually grade these on on a one to five basis I just think that there's merit in all five of these and they're all gonna be out of a label to buy in January this one you can't see but in February sorry this one you can buy a couple of days before them already at their pre-sale I've reviewed them before and it's daddy cloud now I'm going to show you the video again I'm gonna explain a few things as to why I think that this is one that you should definitely get involved with if you like roblox as I said earlier these guys are partnering with them I think there's a nice you know it's but I like these partnership ones I think they they make a lot of sense the internet was conceived as a global Democratic communication network a mesh of computers where information and power were equally distributed this principle is under attack from all sides companies like Google Facebook and Amazon are centralizing control while powerful lobbying groups are working to undermine net neutrality we are facing a future where you are the customer and the product of a network controlled by only a handful of global corporations but what if we reverse this relationship what if we collectively owned the network while also being the beneficiaries of the revenue that comes from its use introducing da di a decentralized platform for web services builds on the etherium blockchain and committed to upholding the founding principles of the Internet by democratizing computational power Danny represents a fundamental shift in cloud computing services by enabling peer-to-peer collaboration on a massive scale our technology finds the closest and most appropriate hub of computational power and distributes tasks accordingly any device from a smartphone to a supercomputer cluster can join the network and sell computational power as a minor on the opposite side of this transaction platform users benefit from significant reductions in cost enhance security rate flexibility and cutting edge performance in stark contrast to other ICO events the technology of daddy is already here the micro services at the heart of the platform have been in development for four years and are in production today powering products like empire online monocle and virgin limited edition Daddy is to the cloud what the cloud was - owned infrastructure it's tackling a 250 billion dollar industry head-on now when I refer sleeve you da da da da cloud a couple of weeks ago a load of people criticized the project because it didn't raise the fact that there was some plagiarize sections on their white paper I've checked out the idea the partnerships are real ok the team is real it's an open source industry you know the crypto space it's open source that people are going to be copying things from left to right Tron is a top 10 coin they copy stuff look at them while they were top 10 coin until it got dumped but it's still very very high and it will be get back up there now da di it seems to me to be up there with the revolutionaries like the likes of substratum titanium and that's all the stuff and I I I think this is going to be huge for 2018 definitely one that's worth getting involved with check them all out look I've linked them all below okay check them out head over to them just look at them do your own research they are going to be all of these projects I've mentioned today are fantastic projects some of the best that I have found thanks to people on Twitter and other people within the community out there that have pointed me and guided me towards ones that worth getting in on arc block I haven't mentioned today but only because they're the same as we pal the the cake the KYC is closed the ones that I've mentioned you can still get involved with even if you have not done kyc yet so I urge you to go over to all of the sites click the links below get on the KYC you don't necessarily have to buy but just don't let the opportunity pass you by because you may have if you register now for kyc you then may come a point will come between now and next week where you go me actually I've seen something else I really want to get involved with these so that's my take on it so look I hope you've enjoyed this video today I'm now gonna go enjoy my daughter's join my daughter for the rest of her first birthday let's take a time if you if there's anything you want me to talk about next week whack it in the comments below don't forget to subscribe and yeah give me a thumbs up if you liked the content today source picture wall after the weekend have a good'n peace.

http://dadi-cloud.com JOIN THE DADI CLOUD ICO
https://medicalchain.com JOIN THE MEDICALCHAIN ICO
https://mark.space/ JOIN THE MARK SPACE ICO
https://herotoken.io/ JOIN THE MARK SPACE ICO
https://www.farmatrust.io/ JOIN THE FARMATRUST ICO

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