How to get RICH with ICO's

in #ico7 years ago (edited)

This is a simple story friends. You can make lot's of money investing in crypto, we all know this right now, but if you want to make the mega bucks FAST, there really is a very simple strategy to do this. ICO's! Now it doesn't mean you can close your eyes, point and get rich. It takes hard work, it takes a LOT of hard work and time.


One word is the difference betweek making your millions and taking losses. RESEARCH. It's all about learning learning learning. Get as much knowledge and intel into your mind as possible. You need to become an expert on ICO's and crypto and then all those tough decisions will end up being standard for you. I see so many people in groups asking the same generic questions, "which ICO should I invest in?" "what coins do you have?" "How do I start trading?"

There is no easy way to get about this. Learn from the experts. Join all those twitter and youtube accounts and learn from those above us. Plus intensively research your ICO's. Create a spreadsheet, study the business from their idea, blockchain, required in the future? team, advisers, token metrix, roadmap etc etc. Come to understandings of what makes a good ICO from the bottom up and if anything doesn't resonate well with you then let it go. Patience is one of the most important things. You can't just throw your cash around hoping one of them will take off. You have to wait around for that right one or two or three and when they come along, get in there. Start with minimum contributions, 1 /2 ETH or whatever you can afford. Then when you start seeing some returns, take our your innitial investments and let your profits do the rest of the work.

It really is SO simple but takes lots of time and dedication. Just like anything you want to excel at.

In saying that, if anybody would like access to my own spreadsheet of ICO reviews that I do please either PM me your email address or just comment below and i will be happy to share it with you. It's a total work in progress and as I get better at it the reviews also get better.

Well, that's about it, if you have any questions about anything please don't hesitate to comment below or PM.

Much love and good cryptoing.



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