Fox Trading Launches Exciting ICO Presale Via Smart Trading Platform

in #ico7 years ago

A team of 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8zNjgxM2ZmZGU3ZTcxNzkwNWU4MDgwMWJjMWE4ZWFlMS5qcGc=.jpgspecialists have got their heads together to create and launch an exciting new smart trading phase at Fox Trading with a limited ICO presale.

The token will give direct access to the ICO purchasers to future Fox Trading service and receive 75 percent of the benefits earned by the Trading Pool. Only by holding the tokens, contributors will receive proportional benefits of our trades.


Mustapha Maynard

The total FXT supply is 50,000,000, with 70 percent of the tokens allocated to the ICO purchasers, 15 percent for the developers and the company reserve, 10 percent for rewarding advisors, while the remaining 5 percent is allocated for the Bounty program, marketing and legal fees.

The main points for growth are increase on the Token demand, which is based on their experience with Fox Binary Signals, which subsequently determines the interest on the trading algorithm increases every month and consequently the profitability. "Based on our experience, taking into account the current community users of Fox Binary Signals and the boom of cryptocurrencies trading, we can anticipate that there will be a large number of users interested in purchasing at the Fox Trading ICO." CEO said.

At the same time, new users will need to purchase tokens to have access to services while current users will hold it to receive revenues from the Trading Pool. This combination will create a spike in demand which will likely increase the price of the FXT token. "Another important point is that we create a necessity to new Fox Trading customers to buy FXT tokens, and this combined with the token holders will increase the price of the token while creating a sense of use." CEO said.

After every payment made in the Fox Trading platform by new users with FXT tokens, a small amount of those tokens is going to be burned, making the FXT a deflationary currency. "The great appeal of this project is in offering different possibilities of generating profit, such as the increase of FXT token price due to the limitation of the service and the guaranteed profit from the initial purchase through the Trading Pool without the need to add more capital." CEO said.