At present, drones are a very efficient data collection platform that can accomplish tasks in hours that would otherwise take people days or weeks. They can provide deeply detailed visual data for a tiny fraction of the cost of acquiring the same data by other means. Drones have become crucial in workplace safety and are being frequently deployed to implement precarious processes such as cell-tower inspections, wind turbine inspections, humanitarian deliveries, disaster relief etc.
The importance of finding a way for drones to safely coexist with manned aircrafts is growing increasingly urgent. DEEP AERO is building a harmonized framework for air traffic management (ATM) and Drone/UAS traffic management (UTM). We are building an autonomous, self-governing, intelligent Drone/Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Platform that will be able to ensure safe flights of manned and unmanned aircrafts in the shared airspace.
DEEP AERO is a platform that uses Al and block chain technology to build an autonomous drone economy that affects urban transport systems by bringing flight demand and cargo shipments so quickly that the evolution of the drones has surpassed the military use it faces, it has become a powerful business tool and strong.
The company is building an autonomous economy of unmanned aerial vehicles, backed by AI & Blockchain. Developers will completely change the city's transportation system, making the delivery of flights and cargo very simple and convenient.
The Features:
Compliant~ Flight plans meet all regulatory requirements with AI driven, rules-based airspace intelligence for enterprise friendly drone operations
Efficient~ Active or planned flights can adapt to change in airspace conditions, including wind, visibility and temperature, for optimal performance.
Safe~ Maximum situational awareness with real-time notifications of nearby traffic, based on the flight plan and live telemetry.
The Product :
DEEP AERO UTM~ Decentralized, intelligent, self-aware, autonomous drone traffic management platform
DEEP AERO Passenger & Cargo Drones~ Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) aircrafts transporting people and goods running on DEEP AERO UTM
DEEP AERO Drone Market Place~ Decentralized market place for Drone related products and services
Why Use Drones For Shipping
Amazon Prime Air and Google’s Project Wing are looking forward to make drone delivery a reality. Despite all the rules, regulations and restrictions drone start-ups are multiplying in numbers. Well, U.K. is a step ahead of the U.S. in drone regulation. On the other hand, Amazon is also looking forward to roll out drone delivery in Great Britain.
Furthermore, airlines and oil rigs use drones in inspecting the hard equipments. FAA has issued certain rules to govern the use of drones. The drone innovation is already pushing the envelope well beyond the operations envisioned in the FAA rules.
Sooner or later, drones could become the secret weapon that gives local businesses a chance to compete against the speedy delivery of online giants like Amazon and Walmart.
Token Distribution
Use Cases:
Aerial Survey
Package Delivery
Aerial Transportation
Photography and film making
Pinpoint pesticide delivery
Forest fire fighting assistance
Traffic monitoring
Underground sewer,power, utility, maintenance and safety inspection
Hign-rise commercial building maintenance and saftey inspecton
Security and surveillance
Pipeline survey, security. management and maintenance
Crowd control/management
Livestock/range management
Power line maintenance and safety inspection
Wind turbine maintenance and safety inspection
Wildlife conservation
Executive Team
Technology Team
Board of Advisors
The Roadmap
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