An idea: Modular social media
Hey Steemit,
I just had a thought, it would either be a website or an app, I'm not sure which platform would better suit it, but the idea is you are given a blank space. There are different sized boxes that you can add to this blank page and in those boxes you can add different social media elements, which would auto-size to the parameters of each box.
What this would create is somewhat of a visual-based version of what RSS feeds did. Customizing your viewing experience to however you want to shape it. We've browsed the web for years. We can continue browsing, but I also want to start building.
So it's just an idea, and I don't know enough about code to know if this is something HTML5 is capable of doing, or if it would need to be an application that would be an alternative to a web browser. At it's core it would be a shell, that it's users could fit different modules into it however they prefer. I would expect social media would be the primary target since those are the sites that update the most from day-to-day.
Anyone feel this would be a cool thing?