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RE: IFC Finals - First Round Tie Breaker - Show Down Time!

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

A valiant effort my friend! I'm impressed you kept on despite the adversity. And unfortunately you didn't win or get enough points for the power spot to help, I'm glad you didn't risk getting the graffiti if you didn't feel safe. This is just a game and it's not worth risking your health or life. And.. It wouldn't have been enough either. Artgirl ended up having 20 more points, you would have had to get the graffiti the power spot and a couple others. Oh well. It's a bummer cause you're one of my favorite players and I would have liked to see you win, but that's how it goes sometimes! I hope you consider playing again next season. :) Also.. I hope you didn't get the mysterious health issue from playing our game somehow.. I dunno if it happened before you got started? Or during? But.. That's a bummer to see. Hope you heal up quickly! And thanks for playing in the game and being such an important part of the community in general. :) <3

PS That cave looks like a really cool spot!


20 more points! Great job! I didn't even count points to see, but that's awesome! And yes a little bit of a bummer not moving forward but that how games work!! It has been such a great community to be a part of and I'm glad I am able to contribute to the IFC in any way I can. You all really make this something special and for myself to enjoy and be a proud part of. It is so neat to watch it grow and meet the awesome people involved! Good luck to the participants, I'll be cheering you all on the way to the champion! And I'll be getting ready for season 2!